Monday, February 9, 2015

testing week begins

Did you notice Sheldon has been off for almost 2 weeks? well that is due to a schedule change allowing him to spend this week at controls testing for the soon to be plant start up. He will spend the next week driving to the city every day so off he went by 7 am this morning for his first day at "school". Britt was not to far behind starting her 2nd February week, she does have all next week off so February is going to fly by for us all.
 this is what greets you if Lola gets bored

I worked on scrubbing up a jewel box that was picked out of my stock by a repeat customer. This little Asian themed box is going to get a fresh coat of red to perk it up.
always a repair or two
All old pieces have issues, the TV cabinet needed work today on the bottom tightening screws on casters and bending back as well as re-tacking the screen and gluing sides, I also sanded the doors. I think Kaylin is going to call this piece but deciding on a color. 
I ventured out in the -14 arctic chill to feed Julio, brrr poor ponies! Britt joined me for a snack once home from school. It wasn't long before she headed back to town to work 5-7
More wood filling on the cabinet before I distressed and added 2nd coat to treasure box. Sheldon arrived home from his first day of testing ready for supper. Neighbor Matt stopped after supper to grab eggs and a quick visit with Sheldon while I had a hot tub and watched part of a Call the Midwife episode, with a bowl of my favorite ice cream, peppermint! Britt picked up groceries after work, yay!

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