Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunny Sunday picking & projects

Once we got motivated after a slow start, Britt headed off to work while Sheldon hooked up the trailer and we were off on a "picking" mission. A young gal who has followed me for some time offered up some great pieces for me to make pretty again. We arrived, loaded and unloaded in less than an hour, THANKS Sheldon, I know this is NOT your favorite part of  my job but appreciate the help. The sun came out in full force as we started to load furniture!!
 the ponies decided to nap while waiting for food
 then followed like the pied piper

Time for lunch then off to the shop for him where he finished some areas on the mez floor and rolled out a bale while I worked on a new piece. This one is an old TV cabinet that I want to restore as a modern TV entertainment unit. I sanded the top for almost an hour, when I took a break my hands and arms tingled for 15 minutes after!

Trish and Kody stopped to pick up a bench she bought, viewed my other finished items quick and had a short visit before heading to Calgary.
Sheldon came in and helped me cut down a table leaf I was given making it a nice solid shelf for storage in the cabinet.
 from dusty table leaf
 to solid shelf
 someone likes beer and his iphone
 we even cut the cut off edges into brackets to hold the shelf in place, so resourceful I am!

 here is the shelf all in place, I will leave the mesh areas in the base for components heat to escape
Britt once home from work, walked the dogs and fed Mr Julio. Good job B! We enjoyed the Grammy's while eating supper following it up with last Marco of the season. Hmmmm is there a season 2? Hope so as we did enjoy season 1.

Here are my great picks from this morning
this light wood tall boy and vanity set
another tall boy with uber cool mirror

 and this gorgeous curvy dresser with unique mirror too

this one may be a keeper!!

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