Saturday, February 21, 2015

off to Mexico

Of course I could not sleep then when I did, I woke every hour or sooner. Eventually I just got up to start getting ready around 6:45. We hustled to the airport stopping in town to fill with gas. It was stormy and Britt no longer felt like taking part in polocrosse practice so after dropping us off she headed home. She said roads were crappy on way home too so hunkered down in the TV with plans to meet Shaina later for a movie.
note the new hat..see tomorrows post ;)

After getting out at opposite end we needed to be and hiking back to other we found our check in with no line. The internet was down this am when I checked flight status but it seems we are delayed an hour... it is going to be a long wait now, dang it!
tried to show the ease of mo makeup.. think I am liking these fancy lashes ;)

Tims and free wifi passed some of the time. Can you believe we both won on our tims cups! Going to be a good trip! Sheldon had a nap of course while I read, eventually we got loaded up and ready to head to warmer weather.
However the travel plans were all super slow, deicing took time then the flight was good but worlds worst movie was played, the longest week? yuck.. but service was good, and we landed in Cancun but hit rush hour there and were in a que. The immigration and baggage had a huge line so did the taxis.. our group in our taxi made a stop at 7-11 to get beer. At the airport it was 80 pesos (or say $8) PER BEER, at 7-11 you could get half a dozen for that price!

The group was funny and many laughs, eventually as the last to be dropped off we arrived at Grand Palladium White Sand just before 10:30 pm (2 hour time change forward..)

 robes and towel art and a welcome package!
We quickly found our room and found the only restaurant open. Raccoons were like feral cats begging for food but it filled the spot and we had some to share with them. We toured a few more bars and hit our snack spot that opened after midnight for jalapeno poppers and quesadillas before calling it a night! Whew.. a long day for sure!

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