Friday, February 13, 2015

lucky Friday the 13th

Well the chinook did roll in Thursday, at just after 1 am when I was letting Lola out it was -6! When Britt was off for late start Thursday at 9:30 it was -1! The morning was sunny and no wind!!

Today was a day to tidy and regroup the house and do more marketing. I also spent quite a bit of time trying to research a last minute vacation as Sheldon confirmed he is taking his next rotation off. This will give him about 5 weeks off before he is to return March 3!!

Sadly the sun disappeared around 3 but it had hit the high of PLUS 6. The dogs even spent most of the day outside, and snow was beginning to melt again.

Just before Sheldon arrived home, a fellow stopped, a chatty one who was selling aerial photos. He chatted for an hour but in the end it was hard to justify over $400 for 4 digital pictures we had yet to print etc. Finally he was on his way and we enjoyed a yummy steak supper. Sheldon tuckered from an early start and long day hit the sheets around 8:30. I caught up on more Call The Midwife, if you haven't watched ladies, you should try a couple, men you will not enjoy :)

Now Friday was a sleep deprived day for me. Lola had spent the night outside due to the chinook and the coyotes were out. So for about from 1-5 she was on a mission trying to ward them off. At 3 Diego wanted to go join her however as I let him out a strong stench caused me to turn on the lights and find a couple unpleasant surprises on the floor. Seeing it was 3 and I had only had a couple hours sleep by now I tried to go back to sleep and leave it till morning however Sheldon woke about 4:45 to let him in and stop barking at the large paned window. He bombled blindly thru the dark and let Lola in not seeing the piles! This required a cleanup and hosing. He did manage to climb back into bed and lay there for awhile before getting up, showering and off to last testing day by 6. Finally after all this chaos I managed to get another couple hours in!

Britt had a spare to start her day so had a slow start claiming not to have heard one bark! Maybe I will move down to Shaina's room ;-) Another sunny gorgeous day above zero still, I got busy setting up the TV unit to poly, first coat on and time to dry. After about 3 hours the 2nd coat went on.

While this coat dried, I took the dogs for a big long walk which lead to refilling all mineral/salt tubs as well as feeding Julio his senior feed. The sunshine was awesome as it continues to melt and be slushy.
 my 3 amigos in varying size and color
 best get walking more.. I seem a little "hefty| as my Dad would say ;-)
 always time for a snow roll
 tons of snow still along north fenceline
 the ponies loving the day

Back at the house, a quick lunch then back to the TV unit. As in most old pieces, the stain leached thru in a few areas. Seeing I was out of the original paint, I tried the paint color I did Kaylin's coffee table in. It was a shade or so darker but after testing on the inside of the door decided to give it a try. It will also give Kaylin the "flow" she wanted in her collective furniture. Again this needed to dry a bit before applying another coat of poly.
so here is the leaching above left
 the limoge color over it on left.. looked ok so painted it all
 but first I tried on inside door panels

Sheldon arrived home early, they finished by 11:30 but he stayed for the lunch getting home around 2:30 and promptly going to bed. After an hour and a half and a quick video of his snoring proof I woke him. While he slept I used a dryer to dry the paint and put on another poly coat.
 all painted and now drying by hand and done

getting close, what do you think Kaylin? and roommates?

Britt did NOT work today and requested stirfry so I created that for supper, she was off to the gym later while I searched for a trip and Sheldon relaxed some more. ;) Before going to bed I went out and put a brushed coat of poly on the top and sprayed the hardware for a 3rd time, Tomorrow all will be dry ready for staging, my favorite part!

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