Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sausage Sunday

Up at 8 to see about 2" of snow and still coming down, it was -6 but slowly dropped to -8. The girls were up and off before 10 to get to work. I worked on updating the blog and reposting items in hopes of some sales.

the ponies exercising to keep warm this chilly morn 

I also waxed the stool and sent Coreena a few snaps to confirm the look she wanted

Sheldon decided today was sausage making day so around 10:30 the process got underway. He and I did the first batch in 4 hours, I had the highly skilled jobs of mixing the water, garlic & pepper, turning the crank, packaging all the rings and distributing beer.
 sausage making pictorial
 grind deer meat
 mix garlic, pepper flakes and whole pepper with water
 pour on seasoning, brown sugar
 and begin to mix

 add the water till desirable (professional feel) consistency

 then load in the tube
 put casing on the horn
 turn crank to pres it into the casing
 wrap and write

 good thing we have a 10 foot long granite island
 and put in the outdoor freezer to firm up!
Once the first batch of about 21 rolls were done, we took a bit of a beer break then he ran to town to pick up Britt who was unsure of the roads after a day of snowing. I promoted myself to grinder while he was off getting her and once they were back we got busy with batch #2. Britt took some time to go check cat food and comfort, on her way back she saw the big black dog escaping with a nicely rolled package while forced out for a pee.. bad D!

We were finishing up the last of this batch of 49 packs when Shaina rolled in making the weather slowed trek from the city. She taste tested the sausage before movie night ensued. She is staying hte night to work a double shift tomorrow. Time to haul in the rolls and put in big freezer before We watched Maleficent and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Both were a fun watch with popcorn and ice cream drumsticks! I watched an episode of The Killing after before falling asleep.

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