Thursday, November 13, 2014

jewel boxes

holy it got cold thru the night dropping to -21, poor ponies. Britt had a nice slow start to the day opting to not do last vet clinic volunteer early but rather leave during her first spare for school around 9:30. She took in some tea tree oil for Shaina and this cute paper towel holder Kaylin won for $5 in my online auction, great deal for a great buyer!
I worked on a couple jewel boxes I recently acquired and cleaned up yesterday, going with one black and the other cameo pink. All while watching The Killing season 3 ;-)
then gave them 2 coats of wax and buffing

 the ponies were out for a romp
 but Julio preferred the solitude of the shelter fence
 later they came back.. here is my snow angel, I think this was when it hit high of -9
Coreena stopped out for her goodies around 4:30 and brought me a surprise gift to, THANK YOU!!
I added more dark wax yesterday to the round table, so all had a very similar finish, each with own distinction
This is the novel from a local girl I have been wanting to read.. looks like netflix may go on hold for a bit.

I decided to try this cabbage soup recipe but it certainly did not turn out like the picture and the pepper flakes I added turned it into liquid fire ;-)
Shaina had me check gas prices, seems Calgary is down to 95.9! It is 99.9 in town but she did not get while out at work today hoping city was less, some were back up to 108 so she best look around to find the cheap stuff.. costco :-) I finished season 3 while updating the blog! Britt got home from her school/work day, then kindly (begrudgingly) trudged to the shop to check and refill cats food. back to -18 UGH

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