Wednesday, August 27, 2014

spraying - fields and furniture

Wednesday was a super busy hot 28 day. Up early and coffee served by the Prince started the plans. Soon I was out spray painting the bedroom set while Sheldon counted rails and getting them ordered then loaded bales to deliver. Around 11:30 as I was cooking the lunch the place went crazy; Britt was out the door into a jam packed car off to make Grad 2015 t shirts, Sheldon was just heading out to deliver bales when the sprayer arrived to treat the hay field. This left Shaina and I to eat then catch horses to condition.
 incandescent is the color name

Sheldon met us at the gate to jump on his trusty steed (wearing work boots and shorts :-)). Once the fabulous ride was over and hosed hosed and let go to roll it was time for Shaina to get ready for work at 3. Britt was back home eating lunch but was soon off to work for 2. Sheldon was off to town to get some parts to install power to the A/C (which I sure wish was working today as it hit 29!)
I fed the horses some more lettuce, they even eat out of each others mouth
I put the 2nd coat on the bedroom furniture.. so cute. During a break from wiring I had Sheldon video my ALS ice bucket challenge. It is the perfect day for it. I also did Sheldon's who was nominated while up north and needed some heat and courage. Perfect challenge for a hot day for a good cause! Again I challenge all reading to donate to ALS or any other disease research or charity!
that is not sweat but rather the ice bucket challenge cooling off water :-)

Sheldon had a co-worker who is going to help him wire the lighting in the shop stop out and bring along his girlfriend. We had an enjoyable evening visiting in the sunshine on the deck and then into the house once mozzies came out!
my owl candles arrived from a draw I won awhile back, thanks Jen from Fabulous Rubbish!
the pretty sun's setting view on the east side of the house at night! Shaina headed to Kaylin's after work where she is house sitting and Lexi care for a week while Kaylin and Aaron are vacationing in BC, have fun all! XOXO

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