Sunday, August 31, 2014

last polox tourney - warning ; picture heavy :)

Bright and early we were up and loaded heading to our last polocrosse tournament of the year in Okotoks. Shaina and Lexi met us at the field. The day was lovely and the play fun. Sheldon and I did not have luck on our teams side but Shaina and Britt along with Irish Anna played hard losing the first game by 1 and winning the 2nd with amazing play. (and Shaina played completely ill - self induced mind you but pulled it off enjoying the breaks in between to try and recover)

 nap time for Shaina and Sheldon
 Shaina's horse be warmed up by her kind sister

There was sun and cold drink visiting before a yummy beef on a bun supper. Britt went back to the city for the night with Shaina and Sheldon and I headed back to the ranch to administer Diego's pills and wash up all the whites.

We also brought Daisy home to swap for Pepper but he was still off so she returned with us early Sunday morning meeting the girls there at 9 am. Both of us played the first games and both of us lost sadly but we enjoyed the sunny day and watching the last games before awards and heading home. Shaina and Lexi went back to the city.

After letting horses all out and unloading it was time for me to trim trees and quad the wheelbarrows to the pit while Sheldon ran to town for fuel as Britt got started swathing the 2nd cut by 4. She took a break for supper and was back out in the dark finishing after 9. More whites to soak and wash... whew! Sheldon and I watched yet another SOA without Shaina but getting close to end of season 3.


  1. What a long blog - interesting reading. Congrats Sheldon on new green addition!
    Good use of fence posts, Lee Ann.
    Lovely looking (safe) fence. The yard is really looking great. I have 4 lilacs to add. Put in pots and they are doing well. Will bring this weekend.
    Great action polocrosse shots. Looks like you all had fun and a bit of rest.
    Love the way the black end tables turned out. Good job.

  2. thanks Mom, you are a great encourager of our progress ;)
