Thursday, August 21, 2014

cool dreary weather

Wednesday Aug 20th, holy crap where is the summer going? I was up early like around 7 and why? if I had to go to work I would be hitting the snooze button! The day was overcast, windy and dreary. SO much so Shaina's golf shift was cancelled leaving her plenty of time to get up late and go to the gym after lunch.

I worked on finishing the hair accessory holder, staging and posting. More blog updates and photo sorting all of which eats up tons of time but feels good once done. I do need to order hard copies for my photo albums but that is another huge time consumer I am avoiding!

Rain started around 3 again as Britt was off to work but it only sprinkled a bit now and then. Rain from yesterday registered ONE inch and a 1/4! The HVAC guy stopped to check out settings for  A/C, seems weird when so cool but I guess that is what happens when you have hot days.. order blinds and AC in time for fall !

Being such a dreary cool misty day I made homemade hamburger soup! Shaina enjoyed a bowl before heading to town for a visit with Emily. A local gal needing horses to practice acupressure on came out along with Gail who connected us, to start on 2 horses. Today's lucky draw were Pepper and Scooter. They were great "patients" even in the loud tin rain shop. THANKS Gail for the hot Tim's chai on a drizzly day and thanks Sarah for coming to practice! Checked rain gauge and 2/10ths more today.

Just after the girls left, Lesley and Steve stopped to drop Baby off after her first polocrosse w/e. Thanks guys!! Britt was home from work as they were visiting but soon she, Grady and Amber were off to a party with Amber having a sleepover. The rain really started to come down around midnight as Shaina got home and I was falling asleep.

Thursday, another early wake up...UGH! As a night person it sure makes for a long day esp if grey and dreary! Amber was off as Shaina was leaving for her 11 o clock shift. Britt spent most of the day in front of her laptop but did manage to put in an hour cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming for me. I organized the garage a bit, cleaned, created a birthday present (no reveal yet) and wrapped a couple.
 Isn't this the best prize for a furniture gal?? This is what our team won at the tourney! YAHOO!!

Shaina got home from work, walked the dogs and packed her bags to head to BC for the w/e. Britt went to town for a spray tan then worked last couple hours for her boss before going to the city to a movie. Shaina headed to town to meet the BC bound group after my yummy supper as 2 local furniture painters popped out for a visit. Over our 2 hour tea party we talked about marketing our wares and how to get more exposure. I also gave them a low down on chalk paint as they had a bad taste after trying it once. It was nice to network and share tales. I then spent nearly 3 hours updating albums on my facebook page hoping to make it easier for customers to find their way around. I have also been working with Dropbox which is a fabulous file sharing site, perfect for large polocrosse photos between friends!
so even in my home I too have pieces that end up water damaged, I tell my customers always use a coaster and check but I failed to take my own advice, another thing on the cobbler's kids no shoes list!

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