Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hereeee.....'s Johnny!

Thursday was a super early start with the alarm going off at 6:45. Britt and I are off to the city for her dermatologist appointment set for 8:15 close to Kaylin's apartment. Sheldon got up and made coffee and he and I moved my furniture out of the way in the shop so he could get his truck out. Today he is off to the farm to pick up his new to him tractor.

Britt dragged her heels a bit but traffic was nuts causing us to be half hour late getting to her appointment. We then sat for nearly an hour for the 5 minute visit. He quickly diagnosed her thumb to have Median canaliform dystrophy. 

We had 15 minutes to get to my appointment with medium Margaret at 10 way down south. I dropped Britt off at edge of Southcenter so she could shop while I met with Margaret. It was another good reading and by 11:30 I was back at the mall to do a bit of shoping with Britt, grab some food and get back on the road. A quick stop for returns on way by Costco and rushing home.

After I dropped Britt at home and was on the road to town for my 2 pm appointment, I wondered why I never got a reminder call so called the accupunture office only to find they were gone on vacation. WTH, turn around and head home. Change clothes and spray paint the furniture one more time. Rain started off and on but the day only got to about 14 and dreary. We ended up with 1/10th of rain.

Britt was off to town a bit early to drop prescription and food bank donations off before her 4-9 gym work shift. I updated the blog waiting for the customers to arrive and pickup the numbered dresser.
Sheldon arrived back after a long day of driving around 7:30, joined me for barbecued ribs and relaxing evening getting in a SOA episode.

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