Thursday, August 14, 2014

post pounding and polocrosse

Wednesday was forecast cooler but it was a fib, it ended up a hot 32 day! We got up earlier, had coffee and along with Britt were out for a conditioning ride just after 10 when it was over 20 degrees. Better than later for sure.
my saje order arrived, few new remedies to try - an an exploding bottle lol

Sheldon and I headed to town for massages after lunch each doing errands while the other got their massage.
Britt headed to the city early to pick up Shaina and shop before day 2 of the polocrosse clinic. After dropping me back home it was off to get post hole pounder and start on the new paddock real fence.

start of the fence and left the cold beer delivery service I provide when so hot!

 always snoopy and near the action
 our 31+ year old residence in too much of a hurry for a photo shoot (PS I LOVE sun rays)
 This went well into the dark and finished around 10 just as the 2 girls got home from the city. I had fresh crab melts ready for supper at this late hour!

Thursday was a cooler overcast day with Sheldon getting out to start around 830. I flogged Britt to go drive the truck for him around 10:30 as I added dark wax to the freshly painted red chair. Shaina was up ate breakfast and off to work for a double shift day starting at 11. A gal stopped to buy my favorite coffee table set, sad to see them go as they were so pretty, solid and perfect heights.

last night's progress in the daylight

the fencers stopped for a lunch of hot crab melts and I followed them back out to stage & snap a few photos of the red chair and spool then posted for sale.

At 3 I called Britt off fencing and on to conditioning, this big tournament w/e is coming soon! Even though it looked cooler, the overcast 25 degrees was very muggy and warm but the ride was enjoyable. We both ponied a horse for part then dropped back in pasture for a wee sprint race and finish condition. After hosing, we got things ready to head to the clinic while Sheldon returned the post pounder.
Around 5 we were on the road again to take in day 3 of the polocrosse clinic, this time in the rain which we hit at Langdon. It drizzled thru the entire 2 hours making for wet but for most part warm bodies. A quick load up and head home where Shaina arrived home from work soon after we did. Showers for B and I while Sheldon cooked up some more supper.

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