Sunday, August 17, 2014

our club polocrosse tourney

Friday Sheldon as off early to Innisfail where he spent the day golfing with buddies from work, they did 27 holes!!! Britt, Shaina and I rode early, me on Scooter ponying Switch, Shaina on Daisy ponying Pepper and Britt on Big Bird. Mom arrived as we were feeding and getting ready for last clinic night. Today is also my brother Dale's birthday, HAPPY CAKE DAY DALE!!

Britt was pretty excited her laptop arrived by courier just before she was off to work after lunch for 3 pm ans we were not far behind loading KD and on the road by 4 to the clinic moved to 5:30. Since Britt had to work, Shaina took her last night spot. Kaylin met us at the park and just as we got to the field after tacking up the lightening started and back we went to the truck. Just after throwing KD in the trailer the deluge started. The 5 of us crammed into the truck to wait it out. Eventually it let up enough that practice took place but we were finished up by 8 ish then on our way home.  Sheldon had gotten home from golf after 6 and was in bed when we got home around 9 sleeping already, hard day! Britt had gone to Amber's after work till just after 11.

Saturday we were all up early. Big day, our club polocrosse tourney and we are all playing. Horses, snacks and beverages loaded and we were off around 8:45 am Shaina followed us in as she was going to spend the night at Kaylin's. The weather held out for most of the day with a few sprinkles but nothing major. Grama and Papa arrived for the afternoon games adding to the cheering section. Mom gave the game a try playing in the "tea and crumpets" section at the end of day one. All the newbies seemed to really enjoy it. We enjoyed a visit and beverage after all the fun then loaded the ponies and were back at the ranch where Grama arrived ahead of us and heated up some home made cabbage rolls and borscht for us, THANKS GRAMA!! Visit, more celebration drinks and bed for another early start in the morning!
 handshake walk in to start day 1
 first throw in Britt goes for the pick up out the back
 but Bird reacts with the ejector seat and off goes Britt into a rolling bundle
 but not long and she is back in the game ready to play

Sheldon and I play against the Plant "Family Jewels" team who happens to be using miss Baby as their blocking horse and she does that well

 Mom watches closely picking up tips for her game later in the day

 check out the faces, hahaha

 Mom gives the game a try in the "Tea & Crumpets" game for newbies

Sunday we were loaded and out of the yard by 8:30. Mom helped load and after a visit with Pat and Carl headed home with a list of things to do. Pat and Carl came in after the visit and coffee. Shaina met us at the field and after 3/4 of us were tacked up and ready on the field for play at 10, it was decided the rain that came down over night on the field left it to slick to play. There was an hour rain delay and it all started back up at 11:30.. During the wait the schedule was changed to have Britt play the first game. Now we were all tacked and ready to play. Kaylin had come over to watch the morning play as well and left for work at the golf course after lunch for her 2:30 shift.

above 3rd in A grade girls and below 2nd in C grade (photo credit Emma McGeough - thanks)

Sheldon and I lost our morning game by sudden death, this being our first loss and putting us in 2nd place. Britt lost her game in the morning and Shaina who now played for the finals ended up losing as well. So at the end of the tourney there were two 2nd places and a 3rd. Shaina had to race to work right after her game ended. She was to work at 3 but with rain delay and a couple more spills it went over but thankfully Shannon covered for her till she got there. We enjoyed pot luck and awards in the sunshine. After cleaning all up, loading horses and a quick last minute goodbyes to coach Greg and the rest we headed home.

Back at the ranch, Papa and Grama who left ahead of us were resting. After a long w/e the rest of us were tuckered to so it was a relaxing visit on the deck for some, a soak in the tub for me (who was not feeling well since ride home) and shower for B. For a late supper the guys headed to town to fill with gas and grab Chinese food. As we were enjoying it around 9, Shaina got home from work.By 11 we all hit the sheets!

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