Wednesday, July 23, 2014

truck search success

Monday morning was drizzly bringing a bit of rain but cleared up by noon. I went out and tried neighbor Matt's new fertilizer on the garden then soaked, cleaned and treated Hawks feet (thanks to Britt for catching him after finally getting up :-). I walked out and applied the cream to Julio as well. I organized truck arrival time and insurance all for this Friday.
 right still looks bad but getting better
Shaina was off in the morning to job one but stopped home for a few things before heading to job two. Britt soon followed her to town to work from 3-8. I tidied the garage for a bit hoping to make room for Sheldon's new truck. Watching the news at noon I saw storms going south but was only worried about here so did not think much until the call came that our new truck was hailed out on the lot in High River or Claresholm!! WTH is our bad luck with hail!  but on the other hand it may be our new good luck with hail as it was not here, nor did we pay in full so don't have to claim it :-)

I took the dogs on the usual walk one a gorgeous sunny night and see the chokecherry trees are even more infested with the tent worms ;-( then refilled mineral tub in mid pen. Once Britt got home from work she caught Scooter and assisted as I washed her butt. Her backside was caked with dry diarrhea so wanted to clean her up, poor old girl. Once home from work just before 11, Shaina made grilled cheese and gave me her BEST one ever, it was golden brown and melted to perfection, (then she burnt hers) THANKS Dudie!! XOXOXO
Tuesday was a windy overcast day. I started my day organizing the garage and watching OITNB. Kaylin arrived late morning for a visit - and to drop off a coffee table she just picked up. She also bought tons of swap and us 3 girls had fund taking turns choosing treasures, THANKS Kazie! below is just my scores!
I worked on scrubbing up an old piece after Kaylin washed up the coffee table and headed home. While it dried Britt and I ran to town to test drive the Ford 350 and ended up buying one. They managed to find two silver ones similar to the 150 with one closest in Calgary. Looks like a road trip tomorrow to pick it up!!

We then ran to tims for a celebration treat and to Walmart for groceries and Britt ordered pictures for her collage wall. Back home she filled her frames while I painted the coffee table cream color and after supper it was our project to hang all Britt's frames. Of course like any of my huge wall collages, there was a couple extra holes put in for good luck :-)
before and after

Wednesday was overcast but no wind, yeah! Poor Shaina crawled in with me at 5:45 sick with a migraine. Poor kid, I pepper minted her up and pinched her hand and eventually she went to sleep but it continued thru the day ;-( A few sprinkles of rain started the day but that was it. I sanded the old piece top before showering to make the truck run. I also painted a 2nd coat of limoge on Kaylin's coffee table.
trying out the new bright Dior lip gloss from Kaylin

Britt and I ran to town before one where we jumped in with the dealer fellow who took us to our new truck. Once on the road home we stopped to pickup first load which was minerals for the ponies. We stopped to drop at the house as we passed and Shaina and Coco jumped in with us. Back at the dealer I finished up paperwork while the girls ran to Tims then we got gas and beer before heading back home for Shaina to get ready for work at 6.
 Britt checking out the touch pad

I painted a wash of yellow on the old stand then distressed it to. A quick supper was followed by a dog walk but as I started out I noticed the wild oats really liked the inch of water and were over a foot high. Britt was recruited to walk the dogs while I mowed them down.

 of course always repairs too
Britt hauled in a big chair and added to her room, great for reading or snap chatting :-) I put a coat of top coat on Kaylin's piece before finishing the blog.
As I was finishing up the blog a severe thunderstorm with HAIL (which never fell thank goodness) blew thru for a couple hours taking out the power and delaying posting, but here it is now!

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