Sunday, July 6, 2014

first tournament of the year

The days have gone by in a blur since last post. I finished my 2 chalkboards and posted for auction.

Auntie Barb stopped Friday morning to pick up all her scores and a quick visit. Watering trees, loading the horse trailer to camp in then once Shaina got home from work it was time to load horses and head out.

This last weekend we (girls and I) participated in our first tournament of the year south west of Okotoks. We were very lucky to have Grama and Papa along with Candace and her boys join us to camp and cheer us all on. We thank you all very much for your support and the great time together.

In the end Shaina, Britt and and Aussie fellow named Harry won the top A division. The games were well matched and well played but in the end they were the champions.
Britt and Nightbird won TOP horse and rider for A grade level, a big accomplishment, well done Britt and big Bird!
I was very lucky to play with 2 gals, one who is a past A grade player who just so happened to be a great friend and horse connection. She blessed us with Julio, KD and little miss Switch and as our #2 for the weekend, was a fantastic coaching player to me, THANKS JACQUELINE!! We ended up placing 2nd in C division and only losing by 1 point which actually was due to a "bad" call from the ump. :-)
The venue was great, the landscape amazing and the friends anf family fun. We arrived home Sunday just as a storm rolled in bringin us  around 1/2" of rain through the night. After everyone showered we hunkered down to watch an evening of Sons of Anarchy.

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