Saturday, July 26, 2014

new truck comes home

Thursday was a WINDY day, of course any moisture is long gone but I guess so are all bugs. I started the day with coffee and posting the blog then got busy in the shop. Shaina was off to work for 11. I waxed the old wash stand and glazed a small ornate frame. Britt helped me move stuff around in the shop and she and I were off to town at 2:30. Time for her to go to work at 3 and me to pick up the new truck!

After the long drawn out walk thru of the truck I ran a few errands (including a sim card to convert to the iPhone world via Britt's old one). I tried to get groceries but after getting all chosen and up to the till they told me only cash! $5.60 will not cover so they were left and I was off for home.

Shaina was home after work and sadly with no groceries we had scrambled eggs and beans for supper. I dark waxed the stand and put another coat of top coat on Kaylin's table. Once home from work, Britt caught Hawk and I treated his and Julio's feet. We also parked the new truck safely in the shop! Shaina and I took the dogs for a nice walk as the wind finally let up by now. Kaylin stopped for a visit and to pick up her coffee table after work.

Friday was an overcast occasional sprinkles throughout the day. I added more wax to the wash stand, put on hardware and staged for photos. It was a great day to do bills and clean house. Shaina headed to work at 3 and Britt too went to town on errands and to grab groceries. Later in the afternoon I took out mineral in a new tub and screwed into the far horse shed, fed Scooter some food with ACV and hay to help her tummy and let the other 2 out with the rest. Diego got his monthly shot too. I brought the wash stand in staged and posted for auction.

I also worked on a vintage window. It had one pane out but I managed to get it right up to the cleaned and installing new glazier points when the last one I heard crack! DAM IT, it broke straight across but being the original thick glass it left a sharp edge so had to go. I had a perfect piece of heavy wire but found it 1/4" to narrow, again DAM IT!! I had to cut a whole new piece then glue an edge piece but it will be nice when done. Back home Britt retreated to TV room to continue her new series Walking Dead before heading to Rockyford Rodeo around 8. (bad idea when driving home alone in the dark heh Britt! ;-) When Shaina got home from working out after work, we both showered and crawled in my bed to watch OITNB for a bit.

Saturday started a we bit cloudy but by the time I finally routed both girls at 11 and loaded horses it started to burn off. Once in the city and on the field it was glorious! Not many turned out but it was a fun day of play and sun. We stopped to get Subway on the way home saving me cooking :-) The girls showered up and by 8:30 Britt headed east to Rockyford again for a sleepover this time (It is their big rodeo w/e) Just after 9 Shaina headed west to the city to spend the night on the town and sleeping over at Kaylin's. Sheldon had text he was stuffed after his usual Saturday night steak and lobster feed and was now watching football! What was a lonely girl to do?  Pull out chips and dip and wash it down with a cold beer and clam while updating the blog and playing Cookie Jam (my new candy crush!) then finished season 2 of OITNB. I also staged a few pictures of the window frame.


  1. Bringing 3-5 wooden windows from the Pete Friesens!

  2. I like that blue window. What exactly are your plans for it? I saved a couple of vintage windows from the last apartment I lived in. The landlord was required by law to replace some frames and woodwork, which meant taking out the windows entirely. I'm going to make a faux window out of one for our window-less kitchen.

    Kourtney Heard @ Hansen Adkins
