Saturday, February 22, 2014

1033 - peacock project day

Day 1033... last night ended with symptoms of dry socket in my extraction but with a combination of drugs and home remedies I managed to get sleep. I am hoping the next few days go better. The clinic Britt was to head out for this w/e was cancelled as the weather at the location was already -22 and to drop to -28! She crawled back into bed after her brief appearance at 9:30. It is only -13 here right now.
forgot this cute picture from Kaylin's visit yesterday

The barn board rack client ( a good repeat customer) stopped around 10 to pic it up, soon after soft light snow came along. Shaina made us scrambled eggs and Britt was off for her dog sitting job then they loaded up to go to the gym at noon. It was slippery and seems speed and ice can find you stuck!
they were back after 2 hours, one stiffer than the other :-) I had worked on many projects today. By now the snow had stopped and the sun was out for most of the day high -9! I dark waxed the peacock mirror, had it all back together when I decided the inside rim next to the mirror needed color so all back apart, painted, waxed and put back together.

I painted a salt and pepper set I got yesterday the peacock color 2 coats and waxed in light and dark and buffed for staging. Once posted it sold  in a few minutes.
waxed and ready to buff.. left is buffed and right not, big difference heh?

I also scrubbed with TSP and soap the teak tea tray

and put a coat of peacock on a candle holder

After cleaning bathrooms (again prepaid job) Britt was forced to tidy her room after spending so much time reading. Shaina got ready and was off to work for 5. I enjoyed a cold beer and watched some of Dexter (while folding laundry ;-) must multi task) before our internet hit high peak and watching Netflix becomes a huge pain! Time to cook a real supper, tonight it was chicken and rice!

Supper was so delicious!! Britt was stoved right up after her back to back workouts with trainer Shaina so I added some special ingredients to her tub water for her muscle soak. I also prepared one in my tub too!

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