Sunday, February 2, 2014

1013 - Superbowl Sunday

Day 1013 is a big day for many football fans as it is Superbowl Sunday. Sheldon has invited a few friends over for the game later today. It has been a week since we had to leave the fun in the sun and come back to bitter cold winter :-(
 I staged and posted my valentines sign

Britt was off to tan and head to the city to buy work clothes just after lunch. I managed to get the 2nd coat of chalkboard paint rolled on the pieces which worked much better, prepared a message center for work then dissembled the white jewel box and spray paint all the gold pieces before coming in to prepare for party.

 Sheldon scooped dog crap and then skidooed for a bit, gorgeous sunny -4 day! Matt & Marissa arrived before 4 and the Paetz's a bit later as Asher was napping. The Super Bowl party was underway with snacks, pizza, sausage and pie. Britt arrived home from shopping soon after (successful getting big girl work clothes!) and Shaina from her gallivanting w/e later for a quick hello and was off to town again until 1 am!

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