Monday, September 30, 2013

887 - wind still blows, Vance turns 10!

Day 887 self sufficient Britt was up and off to school as we were getting going. Coffee is our new morning ritual like so many people but I can only drink with my "creamer". The Tiffany blue dresser is being picked up today so I put another coat of wax on the top then painted 2nd white coat on the chair and distressed it while Sheldon changed oil in the truck.

He packed up another lunch and was off again at 10:30 to help Steve finish up his canola. I came in, buffed the wax top and worked on blog for a bit. Shaina was up and out the door just before noon to meet Gail for lunch. The  wind continued to blow all day long!
I reupholstered the chair top, waxed the chair and white end table then changed the end table up by spray painting the brown glass, which looks much better. Kaylin stopped at 3 for a nice visit and Shaina was home from town around 4 to get ready and head back to work at 5. Britt did not get home from school till after 4 having stopped at Starbucks to get her DD fee :-) Kaylin went thru clothes and theatrical makeup while I prepared supper and Britt did homework stopping to try makeup and clothes now and then.

table glass painted black.. much better

 Britt rocking the tooth decay and glasses from Kaylin's tickle trunk, oh and a wig
The dresser was picked up after 5 and the buyers were very happy with the job. They hope to come back in spring after their house is built to purchase more, nice!

Sheldon arrived home from another hard day of harvest just after 6:30 and the 4 of us enjoyed a yummy roasted chicken supper I prepared. Kaylin headed to town to meet Gail and Shaina (whose shift only lasted 2 hours) Sheldon napped, Britt did homework and I perused the internet for treasures and kept my ads current then it was time to watch an episode of Breaking bad.

Today is my nephew Vance's 10th birthday, Happy Birthday buddy!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

886- pajamas and coveralls

Day 886 were awake at 8 and the wind still was howling.. yuck! It is a warm wind if have to find positive in it. After coffee and relax time, Sheldon headed off to help a friend combine just after 10:30. He was quite excited even packing his lunch and Thermos, jumped in his coveralls and was off.
he text a photo of his ride for the day

I worked on the computer trying to get better connections to upload photos for the blog ect before heading out to paint a chair its first coat of white paint. While it dried I returned to sort photos on the computer. I then got the rearrange and clean bug and spent a few hours moving furniture, vacuuming and washing floors and making a new layout for fall closer to the fireplace. Dexter accompanied me too :-) I also spent half hour taking beater bar apart and getting it working again, seems long hair from 3 girls is hard on the poor machine.
Mom and Travis dropped off treasures for me yesterday, Grandma Ball's bird house, wood rocking chair for the deck, end table donated by Vicky, Thanks Vicky! and a box of treasures below from the late Lorne Bruner who knew I loved blue glass and old horse related items (left box)
and hte right box contains glass insulators I bought from a lady from out home
Britt and Shaina lazed the day away until Britt was up and washed dishes before she left for work for her 3 pm shirt and Shaina came up to unload the dishwasher, eat and leave for her 4 pm shift. I continued to clean moving to the laundry room which was overrun with stuff. Britt was finished and home just before 7 and of course hustled to her dungeon but she did do laundry :-)
 new arrangement
 loving the blue dresser inside but it sold and will be gone tomorrow.. guess best get busy on something else
what do you think of my new art.. too green?

Shaina was home from work just before 9:30. I was reprimanded for drying her lulu lemon items, well don't leave piles in laundry room if you don't want the maid to wash them! I curled up in bed and watched more Dexter starting season 5.

Sheldon got home late around 12:30 but managed to play some candy crush while we visited with Shaina snuggled in between us till about 1:30. <3

Fantastic day of cleaning and projects for me in my pajamas all day while Sheldon enjoyed a day riding in a big green tractor in his coveralls!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

885 - last polox day

Day 885 I awoke at 7:45 and that was it, no more sleep for me. Coffee and blog update, then getting ready to go to city for last polocrosse play. Our old neighbor Richard stopped just after 9 as he was high bidder on my end table auction. We had coffee and a good visit before he took off just before 10:30 and I finally got Britt out of bed.

We loaded up horses (Pepper, Bird and Scooter), drinks and pot luck food and headed out just after 11 stopping in Langdon for fuel. We then had bad luck of getting caught at the train crossing so were a bit late for noon play but soon we were all playing on a nice September day. In between chukkas I trimmed all 3 horses feet.

thanks to Erin B for snapping the above photos of our play!!
snack time
Play ended about 3:30 and was followed by a pot luck and social hour which is always fun. Britt loaded the horses and we pulled out around 5 heading east to the ranch. Shaina arrived home from work around 6:30 and amazingly she stayed home for the evening. She too watched Breaking Bad for the evening like Sheldon and I but is a few seasons ahead. The day ended up sunny near the end of play but the wind picked up and howled all night long!

Britt volunteered to be a DD for friends this evening; for the fee of Starbucks which just opened in Strathmore Thursday, so she headed out around 10:30 getting back home by 2:30.

Friday, September 27, 2013

884 - Kaylin's hutch is finished

Day 884 we had an early morning wake up. At 5 am the fire alarm was speaking some foreign language but after cursing like a sailor Sheldon got the ladder in and up to find the battery dead. It has done this 2 times to me so I guess it really was on last legs. He unhooked it and back to bed. I was up at 8 to get Britt going only to find that today was flex Friday and no school~!

So I made coffee and finished my Dexter episode from last night. Sheldon made dumping the trailer his morning project and I went out to wax the pink and glaze the white on Kaylin's hutch for a couple hours. Shaina was up and off to work after packing a lunch around 10:15.

At 12:30 we both grabbed lunch. I went back out to put it together then Sheldon helped me move it inside for a photo op as well as the blue dresser after his nap!
 Happy birthday Kaylin Melissa!!
 and I lined the drawers
 I love this dresser, I may have to keep it, looks pretty in my home
A lady stopped around 3 to drop off a night table I bought and another to pick up cowboy boots I sold. Sheldon was back at the pit digging a load of clay for the shop. We both enjoyed a refreshment break around 4. Britt once up cleaned her room and vacuumed the basement before she started her TV routine. Her recent series is Desperate Housewives :-0)
Shaina stopped home after work around 5 as we were out digging a hole for a peony Travis is bringing and I pulled the zucchini and pumpkin plants out. Seems there was light frost yesterday. She changed up and headed off to town at 6 to meet friends and go to Cowboys in the city for the night and sleep over at Brianna's. Britt got ready and went to town to take in a hockey game just before 7.
Sheldon and I ate left overs for supper and started our 5 episode run of Breaking Bad finishing the first season at 12:30. Britt was home at 11:30.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

883 - Sheldon gets the early flight home

Day 883 was a mass confusion start. Yesterday Sheldon got lucky and could get out of work early arriving home on the 11:30 am flight. I was to work for Coreena in the morning for an appt she had then run to the city to pick him up. Since it moved earlier I could not make my dermatologist appt so cancelled it and said he would just have to wait until I finished at noon and then would run into the city. However he text at 7:30 he got an earlier one and would be in Calgary at 9:30!! Well this changed a few more things.. Coreena managed to get her appt moved, a lady coming to work to drop a purchase off had to be postponed, another |I was to meet at the airport to sell ornate frames had to be changed and by 8:20 I was out the door, ahead of Britt heading to school.

I stopped quick to grab a tea and drop Vance's birthday card in the mail, fingers crossed it took the fast pony express to get to Oyen by Monday. Then off to the airport where the northern worker was ready for pickup. We made a couple quick stops at Costco and Home Sense (my 2 favorite stores) before heading for the ranch arriving by 11:30. Time to unload grab some lunch then I was off to work. Sheldon was off to nap after such a "hard" day.

After work I snapped this picture as I pulled into the yard. Sheldon has awoke and is loading the pit trash to move to Matt's burn pit, yeah!
I worked on accounting until supper of barbecued sausage. Britt arrived home from school tuckered out from Terry Fox run and slept until supper then retreated to TV room again. Sheldon watched pilot of Breaking Bad to catch up then he and I watched the 2nd episode. It was a struggle for him so after it ended he went to sleep.. at 8:45 pm :-) and I watched Dexter. Shaina arrived home at 12:30 after a day in the city with Gail then work till close.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

882 - Kaylin's hutch continues

Day 882 Britt was off to school,  I had a coffee, checked for new purchases or sales and headed out to the garage around 9:30 taking Dexter with me. The 2nd coat of white went on the hutch. Then there was paint scraping around edges of glass.

Shaina had a lazy day off and headed to the city at 1 with Gail and will stay over with her to go to another appointment in the morning.

I took a late lunch break at 2:30, enjoying a toasted bacon and tomato topped off with a  cold beer and juice. Then it was back out to take apart a chair, sand it up, repair the seat wood and wash up the foam.
Britt chilled after school and for the night.. in her TV room. She made a bologna sandwich for supper but since I ate late I was full. I love my iPad as I got busy cleaning bathrooms and dusting while watching Dexter. What a fantastic way to get boring chores done. Laundry and sorting too all with the help of a portable TV. That was my whole evening but I got a lot done.
look.. the power of bleach made them all shiny clean

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

881 - fall is in the air

Day 881 work for me and school for B. My work day went by fairly fast with a walk at lunch. I also ran to get a potted azelea for a friend whose Grama just passed before finishing work and heading home. Shaina was just ahead of me and Britt passed me as I stopped for the mail.

It was a lovely day out so Shaina after encouragement took the dogs for a nice walk while I harvested my pumpkins. A lady I met thru online garage sale and her family stopped out to check out our stucco color and few other things before he headed to town with the kids. She stayed for a quick house tour and more questions leaving just before 6. It was fun to share our experience with her and turns out we have very similar tastes. She is even using our tile and granite!
 big harvest

While sharing info Gail arrived and she and Shaina set out for a leisurely ride while Britt gave Bird a long awaited practice session. I started supper for Britt and I, Shaina showered and headed to town just before 7 to go out for supper and the evening.

 trail riders
same tree different color and patient Pepper
I went back out to work on frames I am selling as well as painting the inside of the hutch doors. I finished up at 9. I watched one Dexter and had to shut it down falling asleep at 10. Shaina however came home just after 12:30, then Coco wanted out at 1:22 to be exact and then let in a bit later when Shaina came up to sleep with me.. good thing I got a head start on the sleep :-)

Monday, September 23, 2013

880 - Kaylins hutch day 1

Day 880, Monday.. sleep in day but I was awake at 7! hmmm well guess I'll watch a bit of Dexter :-) Britt was up and off to school as I ate breakfast and had a tea. Today I am going to start Kaylin's hutch. However not until I went down and released Julio from the pit yet again after Britt called on way to school saying he was back in, perhaps his name should be Houdini.
Sanding the surfaces a final time, wiping down and removing doors and knobs started the project. I stopped for a quick sandwich  And being the multi tasker I am I took my iPad with me and watched a few more episodes of Dexter while I worked!. Shaina left for work shift starting at 2pm. The wind started to pick up in the late afternoon, yuck! I howled well into the night.
another smokers hazard stuck to knobs even, guess will bleach
I mixed up paint and got underway with first coat of white and both coats of pink on the bead board. I finished up just after 6, totally had lost track of time. Sheldon called to chat and say he got Netflix loaded on his tablet and wanted to give it a try.
the light pink she was wanting
Britt was home from work after school at 7. I cooked supper again while watching Dexter and finished season 2 by 8.  So after cleaning up and updating the blog etc I had to start season 3! At 10 my first auction ended and even though it did not sell for what I hoped it went good. I will try another soon. Shaina is having a sleepover at Gails after her shift ends tonight.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

879 - all my girls for brunch! and Aaron :-)

Day 879 ... up early, with a  text from Dale.. so why not watch a couple more Dexter :-) It was then time to get moving so out into the sunshine I went to plant 90 tulip bulbs in the front flower beds.

 some fall flowers blooming.. lavatera
 4 oclocks
 Lexi loves coming to the ranch
Kaylin was first up around noon so we went out to check out her new hutch. Aaron was up soon after then the other 2 and a left over brunch was had. Britt ran them all to town just after 1:30 as all vehicles were left last night. Shaina works at 3.

I got busy in the shop vacuuming and cleaning the hutch and mini armoire and more wood filling. Britt returned home soon after and retreated to her TV room. I hosed them down good and as they were drying I took a break and watched another episode. Then back out and sand and more cleaning. The poor hutch came from a smoking home and like in the past it takes tons of cleaning and hosing and still reeks.

I also posted my first online auction hoping to get more exposure.
Back out to wash again and another episode before cooking supper for Britt and I. A lady stopped out to buy a hair extension of Kaylins. After supper a nice hot bath.. while watching another episode then another in bed. I also watched the pilot for Breaking Bad :-) Shaina was home from work late.