It is yet another dreary, overcast day. I woke up after 8 feeling sluggish but needed to get moving to give Switch her medication. Fortunately, only a few more days are left. She once again cooperated willingly, so it was a quick chore. I then returned inside to feed the cats and Harley. Be damned if I didn't forget to order Harley's raw food. I quickly placed the order and will have to pick it up later today when we go to the city. Harley has a chiropractic appointment, as she has been very limpy for weeks, poor girl.
I made us coffees as S perused news while eating his porridge. I did my morning marketing then he helped me balance the credit card. A heat pump fellow arrived at 10 for a meeting with him. It was then time to bath Harley seeing she is heading to the city with us. She loves the pre brush and the deep scrub of a bath and always stands patiently.
We headed to town to complete our errands. S dropped me off at RBC to perform a quick transaction to refund Shaina’s money while he headed to Rona to purchase heavy-duty screws and wall inserts for Kaylin’s shop shelf repair later today. I walked over to Opa to grab lunch, but it took longer than expected due to a boggy app I needed to order from in order to get double-points rewards. Eventually, I got the food and jumped into the awaiting truck. I dropped off a library book and another bag of used coffee pods at their respective drop-off locations before we headed south. As we passed by, the trash bag was tossed into the dump.
Back at the ranch, we enjoyed our rice bowls and decided not to order them again. I was preparing for our trip to the city after catching up on my blog. Britt and Cooper arrived as we were about to leave at 1:30. It seems she has a tire that keeps losing air, so we suggested she go to Fountain Tire after feeding. She did so and had the hole repaired.
S drove Shaina’s jeep behind me as our first stop was to pick up Harley’s food. Next, we headed to Costco, where Harley patiently waited in the car while we did our shopping. After that, I took Harley to her chiropractor appointment with Dr. Sean. S, meanwhile, stopped at the distillers to get a bottle of his favourite cinnamon whiskey which has gone up $10 ($60). After that, he went to SugarMe to fix a shelf.
Harley's homework stretches
After Harley’s appointment, I took her for a walk and a pee, then loaded her back up and headed to the Boysis condo. Nathan and Renn were watching Mickey Mouse. Let the fun begin with our little chatty entertainer! We visited until Kaylin got home just before 5:30, and S soon after, realizing he didn’t have the right tools to fix the shelf and also needing help to do so. We had picked up a Caesar salad and rotisserie chicken for supper, so we enjoyed that with hockey on the tube.
Renn was calling I waving to Harley in the car window and knocking on the door .. until I got the camera out :)
needs her toothbrush
she has got mad drumming skills
again I was slow to get video as she would run over and say Bapa! as he watched hockey, giggle and run back to her kitchen. Of course he would say yes Renn, this time she says I'm Renn!
Bapa playing piggy in the middle
More visiting until we headed home before 7. Harley was still sleeping in the car but had her hungry eyes earlier when I checked on her. Quick stop at Tim's, I ran in and grabbed us tea and carrot muffins for the ride home. Nathan is kindly going to the airport tonight to pick up Shaina and Matt, who land at 9:30. Shaina is here for almost 2 weeks and Matt 1 week, hence bringing in her jeep.
Back at the ranch, Harley was fed her favourite raw bison meal, and I mixed up Switch meds and gave them to her. They expected B’s usual feeding time, so they came when they heard me, but tonight, in the pitch-dark, it was more of a challenge, especially since she had food in her mouth, so she spit most of it out with the food. Then, the syringe clogged, I dug out the pill patty and poked it in her cheek, but again, most of it was spit out. As I walked back to the house, I got both feet hooked on the bottom rail and nearly face-planted in the ice if not for my wrist, which took the brunt of the impact with little ice stabs. OUCH!
S unloaded the car, removing his tools, food from Costco, and putting everything away. He was enjoying an orange and watching the end of the hockey game that was in overtime when I got back in. I spent some time practicing Spanish and blogging until the game concluded. Afterward, we watched the season finale of Prime Target. Both of us felt that the show had lost its appeal, and we wondered if we had wasted our time watching it.