Friday, December 15, 2023

Off to Oyen

Harley had a busy night wanting out at 1, 5:30 and 7. I was awake early getting the update on Dad. Britt and Shaina are going along with Amanda and I. A coffee got us going, S threw shock in the tub and I boxed up a Flames jersey to mail off. Britt arrived, fed cooper then we jumped in the truck. S dropped B and I at AJ’s. S headed to the city for his hearing appointment. He has another appointment at 1 and plans to re turn his skates an do some shopping too. Shaina arrived not long after. We all loaded in AJ’s expedition. she safely drove us thru the thick fog and icy roads towards Oyen. 

The fog let up around East Coulee. The roads did not improve till Youngstown road crossing. Then there was not a lick of snow anywhere. I even saw a gopher. We arrived in Oyen at 1. 

For the next 11 hours we sat with Dad visiting and working on puzzles.  Shaina and Britt went and fetched subs, AJ and I split one THANK YOU. Travis joined us for Chinese food supper. Dale popped over for a bit too. The girls and Mom headed to the farm with Amanda and I following soon after. We chatted for a bit then all found our beds. AJ with me, B and S in TJ's room. AJ and I read for a bit before lights out.

S updated me along his travels his skates were replaced with some adjustments to fit. He had his appointments. Needs a pro ear cleaning to make hearing aids work when they arrive. He did his Christmas shopping. And he picked up some ruler boards for me that were ordered today.

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