Monday, August 7, 2023

Rodeo Long Weekend

It is long weekend which means Strathmore stampede. S spent most days this week helping prep the grounds and get things ready to go. This is a long post full of photos and videos, enjoy!!

Friday am we loaded up H and headed in to start the official camping there. H was set up with her A/C. S and I made our way over to the infield. S was off to run the track gate and I sat up top in the usual rush spot. It was a hot sunny 3 hour performance. Today Candace P turns 60!!! Whoot Whoot!

13 yr old Piper Yule

   watch her video

It wrapped up after 4. We took H and joined the crew for a supper at Donny Jo’s tent. We went infield and watched the chucks from the calf chute seat.

view from our chute throne and videos below

After 6 races we went and got H to watch from trackside

Dark clouds rolled in and rain started just after the last race. Perfect timing. We watched a Fubar on the TV as it rained. The Corb Lund concert was lucky the rain was short lived. He only played for an hour but we could hear it all from the comfort of our trailer.

Saturday am was sunny. Perfect for the parade. I dropped S at the rodeo meeting then Hand I continued home. I had a hot shower, fed cats, loaded up things needed in the trailer as well as the nightstand. I was back just in time to meet S at the trailer as I had the keys. 

This is neighbor dog Dani over to say hello with her Dad Bryan

Repeat of yesterday heading to infield, grab a burger and find a seat on the stands. S worked the track gate again. I had a chatty lady beside me today. It was a much busier crowd day of course. I went and let H out during the tie down/breakaway sets. she decided to lay in the sun while I had a cold drink.

Back to the rodeo for last events. 

S new job this year, gate man; back to photo in center

Back at the trailer we cooked a hot dog up for supper. Tonight is S's really big show. There was a big safety meeting with the new OHS rules. 

Then it was on to set up. Wouldn’t you know it there was dark clouds rolling in again and the clouds opened up just as the show started. S had Daniele Smith on the lift with him tonight. It was an ok running with 1 get taken off in a stretcher with broken ribs. Check out my video. Think the hit was about 1 min in.

 Our Premier Danielle & Sheldon

After take down we had other cleanup things to do. Har was retrieved and our chairs to watch the chucks from the fence. H gets so excited. At one point she turned to run along side, ditched her collar and ran a short ways along the fence. OOPPS. Time to tighten collar and makeshift a body harness.

After 3 races she went back to rest in kennel. We took her for a long walk after chucks ended around the campground. Man are their trailers and people packed in here. We enjoyed visiting around a campfire till after 11. Then finished the final FUBAR episode before bed.

Sunday was another sunny beauty day. S made coffee, had his cereal and off to the production meeting. 

another fairly comfy sleep in the trailer

I did trailer clean and blog catch up. Harley if given a chance will sleep out of the A/C blast. We headed over at noon to repeat the rodeo day. A quick break between the rodeo and time to set up the panels for the bulls. Setup went faster as all folks knew what to do. No rain but also not much runner excitement either. Takedown was super fast as well.

Matt sent S this picture, he is not even sure what he was doing :)

watch this guy get grated thru the fence too

We visited at a few campsites after walking H. Fireworks were lovely at 11. I went to bed then and s off to visit till 1:30 am.

Monday was going to be another hot one. I dropped S at the production meeting then headed to the ranch. Planters and garden were watered while I waited for a couple to arrive. They bought the glass patio table. Turns out we have lots of friends in common. we visited for over an hour. Har and I then headed back to the rodeo grounds. She stayed in the A/C. S and I went over and had a piece of pizza. The chucks were first today. We stayed for a 3 races then headed back to the trailer for a cold refreshment. Today the races ran late as an outrider and horse went down. Heart attack for the poor horse and Foothills for the rider.

view from rush above

This is how close you can watch the chucks at Strathmore along the track side

I decided to change my rodeo view today. I donned my jeans & garden hat and helped Sheldon run the track gates. It was an interesting view for sure. 

barrel racing view of a quick run

There were allot of these floral tooled Coat's saddles, I like.

saddle bronc video

This is my new rodeo view

After the rodeo we took down all the banners. Har was fed and a short walk. It was then the volunteer supper. It was very tasty but we won no prizes. I packed up outside trailer goodies to prepare to vacate. S wanted to stay for a rodeo committee beer so I took Har for a walk. He was off to find the fellows.

watch the game live!

The multiple rounds had S run back and swap ball cap for cowboy hat?

just a wee flask

S stuck in the chair he calls mouse trap

The beer led to flip cup and beer pong game night. Rain came down late in the night but it did not slow the events. We crawled into bed at 3:30 am!! Now that was quite the long weekend!

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