Thursday, August 24, 2023

Custom cabinet complete

Happy birthday Amanda Jean!! There was  2/10ths of rain were accumulated over last day or so. I was off to get lashes filled at 10. Sharon had a lesson going when I got back. Sheldon was just heading outside to putz around with fuel tank he brought back. Then unhook the dump trailer.

We went to town after lunch to drop off Amanda's birthday gift, an early Christmas gift for the kids and have a quick visit. Craig had also picked up 2 antique tables at the pawn shop for me. Sadly someone pulled the brass toe caps off one.

We then dropped the truck at an autobody guys to repaint the rusting bumper. As we were sorting recyclables lo and behold S found the missing nail trimmers in the cardboard box! Fuel jugs were filled.

Back at the ranch, I got busy painting the cabinet a pretty teal blue.

H food was delivered. Soon after B arrived with more horse feed. She found Timba was dragging his leg and swelling increased. She fed then was off to care for her 22 horses back at the barn. Sharon came out around supper time. I helped her hose his leg and fill a hay net. He will stay on barn paddock and see vet in morning.

Touchups with an artist brush were made then a full 2nd coat of teal

We finished the King of Collectibles series. Wow some collector cards are $$$.

Ada tie-dyed this cute little onesie for Renn and it now fits <3

Thursday am, I helped Sharon load Timba to take to vet in my pj's. Coffee and marketing then I got more touch ups and clear coat on the cabinet. S went to pop a few gophers. I had him back out the fireball then gave the garage a good organizing. I got Britt's feed tubs washed up and put in place. The garage looks so much better when organized. S took fireball to mail then changed the oil. It is an overcast windy 17 degree day out.

Bacon tomato sandwiches for lunch. Sharon was back from vet appt locking Timba in the house paddock with Switch. S finished up some pump work for Matt then back to gopher patrol. I put more clear coat on the cabinet and think that might be complete. In the hurricane winds I went and let Switch out. The paddock is basically powder.

Shaina went along again to chiro and Renn actually fell asleep in car, and took her soother!!

S showered and headed to the city to have supper with Shaina. This was her birthday gift to him. I stayed home and scrapped rubber mat backing off the hardwood then brought the cabinet in to stage. More touchups as always see areas in different light.  Britt arrived to feed and get more moving boxes. We gave Harley her cartrophen shot. Sharon and Darren stopped to give Timba his meds and hang hay bags. B had a short visit then was off to start packing.

I worked on tutorials. I cooked up a pot of mushroom soup after 7 for my supper. I added new paintings to Etsy and put a sale on jewelry boxes. It is sure is slow on that platform. The winds finally let up to a breeze. I unpacked my paint parcel that arrived the other day. Some more new products to try. Including the horse rice paper.

I was watching a disturbing show on fast furniture and deaths of children from falling dressers when S got home after 9. He had ice cream cake and watched TV. A new Netflix cooking series for me was started.

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