Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Yet more rain

The rain let up for a bit but still blew off the roof then started up again at 1:59 am. It was a usual morning with me waking early after 7; a few games, dog fed, horses fed, medicated and stalls cleaned and coffee made. I got marketing going and worked on a few tutorials while S ran to town to drop water samples off at 9:30. I painted the chair bumper a couple coats and added another layer of "butta" to the square dining table. I also got a food order in for H for her upcoming care while we are gone.

rain from yesterday and overnight

then 2 hours later

S was back at 11:30 with our horse boot parcel and such but chatted with Craig until after 12. The rain continued to come down in buckets making for a day the horses could not go out in her boots. I was headed to town at 1 to visit Dad, get bloodwork done, pick up a prescription then get my eyelashes refilled. S had a dental cleaning at 2:30 so made his way in for a 3rd trip for us going to town today. My appointment finished up and I was at the last set of lights heading home at 4:30 when I remembered I offered to pick Cooper up so went back and got him. The sun was peeking out but the winds continued to howl. I was home by 5 to feed H where S was relaxing. I cooked up more pasta for the last of the spaghetti sauce while S napped in big brown.

After supper I went to put the markings on the growth ruler and wash up the stencils before putting the bumper on the chair and doing touchups. S headed out to the shop to work on the trailer. As I went to feed the cats raw after 7 the rain started up again, of course as I had to go back and fill KD's water bucket. Once back to her stall and in place she drank half of it so back I went again to refill again. S headed back in to watch the ball game.

B was out after 7:30 and got to her horse care. I went out and helped her strip the stalls while KD and Pepper had arena time. I made two trips to the pit during a break in the rain to dump the shavings. She filled hay while I made a couple trips for water. I caught Switch and swapped her for Pepper for the night. B brought in bird but she would not eat inside so took her out as the rain started again. I ran her a carrot for Beibs then gave KD her evening meds. B and Coop were then off for home and I crawled into bed where S was relaxing. The rain and winds blew off and on picking up in force.

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