Monday, June 13, 2022

Over 1 1/2" of MORE rain

It was a bit of a sleep in today with multiple wakeups. I took my antibiotics at 8 then awake before 9 to feed and let H out and soak a bit of beet pulp. The day is overcast and gloomy with rain forecast 100%. S made coffee and I took out the meds to KD and clean stalls. Back inside another cup of coffee and a bit of marketing.

Perfect day to get laundry done, bathrooms cleaned and put a second clear coat on the chair and 2 on Britt's wedding sign after putting on a hanger. There was a brief rain around noon as the solar guy arrived to replace the inverter. S went out to greet him and start the sprinkler on evergreens to take some of the load out of the water tanks.

I went out just before 2 to let Switch out seeing the rain was gone and being stuck inside. I also gave KD some tranquillizer as she of course is a drama queen without a buddy. The solar guy finished up and was off as I was cleaning stalls. S helped by driving the quad and wagon in to make it easier for me. B arrived as I was just finished on her day off.

I came in for late lunch of more soup; borscht thanks again to Ma K <3. S was in soon after to have his bowl as the rain started to come down in buckets and continued off and on all day. B had horses inside then out then when S went back out he welded a part on her cart then she helped S move equipment to get his swather inside as it has a leak when it rains heavy. They also put the 2 plywood sheets in the trailer deck.

I got to work on the chair oiling the casters and putting them on and unbundling my growth ruler wood. I had an order over the weekend as well as plan to make one for baby Thea. Sadly the wood was warped but I did stain the straightest front and back after scraping and sanding the ends and edges. B and Coop were then off for home. 

I took out gel stain for S and I to stain the top of the wood to seal the wood filler and give a bit of water repellency. We also ripped the 4X8 sheet in half to finish the trailer top and got it stained too finishing the can perfectly timed. The rain continued to deluge with just under 1 inch coming down so far today. Unfortunately the roof has some leaks which dropped on the trailer top but we set up yogurt tubs and shop towel to help catch until stain dries.

We finished up at 5:30, I came in to start supper and S continued with some trailer stuff then in to join me for supper. After we cleaned up and folded more clothes I went to put the chair bumper on but found it didn't look good do will paint it. Being smooth it required a coat of slick stick. S went out to the shop to work on the trailer front and after my paint project I went out and refilled the hay bags. He was planning his change up.

Back to the house for more blog work then back out to walk Harley who went out but turned around not liking the rain. She did do her business when I went with her. Back in to do more blog work then out again before 9 to take KD her evening meds. We are starting to wean her off painkillers slowly. S was now drilling holes in pipe after welding the end square in place. He continued to work and we went back in the house thru the rain with a stop to play ball quick then H off to her bed in the garage while I went in to finish Saturday's blog and publish it with a chai tea on the side. I still don't have my days 10K steps in yet even with all those trips out.

Next up was sorting photos into proper folders. I finished this up at 10:30 and was headed to bed to finish Lincoln Lawyer. I stopped to make a yogurt bowl as S came in requesting one as well. He showered and I finished the end of the season, of course S fell asleep.  After Youtube and some podcasts but not falling asleep I started Divergent. I saw it in the theaters but this was a good refresher before watching the sequels.

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