Friday, June 24, 2022

Garth Brooks concert

It was drizzly rain when I let H out after 5 and looks to have been raining all night. Coffee was in order once up at 8:30. Time to get packed up for our trip to Edmonton today to see the infamous Garth Brooks. We did finally find a hotel about 2 km away from the stadium for $400. When S checked the rain gauge taking cats raw food it showed 1/4” from yesterday and overnight. B said there was an inch and 2/10ths while we were gone so lots of moisture this month. she stopped on route to her wedding to give Pepper meds and check on KD who she found was shivering in the cold north getting enough to eat to stay warm in her grazing muzzle. She left Cooper for the day for Dave to pick up later on and was on her way.

Shaina popped out to catch KD and Switch and put in stalls to warm up and eat hay at 10 on her way to train Sharon. We were loaded and headed out soon after her stopping to visit Dad and Mom quick before we headed north. The wind and around 10 temps with occasional rain are not making for much excitement for tonight’s concert but there were bits of blue sky now and then to encourage. Good thing we changed our mind on pulling the trailer to stay as S would be white knuckled all the way with the crazy winds. 

lunch for the road

video of some of the rain we passed thru

A quick stop on Red Deer for a pee break and back on the road. I brought fruit and beef jerky along for our lunch. We passed thru a few rain storms on the way as well as stalled out traffic past Red Deer but eventually made it to our hotel at 3:30. After we got to our room we relaxed with a cold beer and some sports on TV before heading out to find supper after 4:30. We walked part of the 2.7 km hike to the stadium stopping at a Vietnamese place to eat. It was very good and broke up the hike.

We arrived at Common wealth Stadium before 6 and found our seats. S had been texting Jarrod and friends who were there as well so we climbed the levels from our floor seats to theirs in the upper deck for a short visit. Then it was back down to our seats only to go up the other side in search of a cold drinks but found unlike all the other places were had recently been where it was only cashless, this place was cash only! No drinks for us tonight ;)

The concert was fabulous once it finally started at 8:20. Trisha even made a surprise guest appearance at the end. The stadium atmosphere was amazing and the weather turned out fabulous with the sun actually coming out.

fell like you were there with these 3 videos'

Our walk home was in the dark but in not very long we were back at our hotel to enjoy a refreshing cold beverage and relaxing after our busy day.

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