Friday, June 3, 2022

Shaina turns 28 in Ibiza

Today Shaina turns 28 in Ibiza.. what a lucky girl. Her day was enjoyed by the pool and ended with a Calvin Harris concert.. enjoy sweet girl! XOXO Check out the not so shabby hotel she is staying in!

We awoke to the sound of the wind picking up at 8:45, just like a sleep in day. S went to bring the TV in and I fed H then took KD her meds and cleaned their stalls before coming in for a coffee S started. We loaded up H who had a chiro appointment down the road with Dr Sean at 10. It was a quick adjustment and we were back in short order to pick up the trash and head to town to take Dad out for a walk. The day is ugly windy but sunny so far. Dad was happy to get out and after our walk we sat on the benches by the front door. Harley had quite a few people stop to pet her and visit while Dad had a short nap. I took him back up before 12:30 and got him set up with the news as lunch was getting ready and we headed out.

Our next stop was to pick up Cooper, I ran in for groceries while S and the dogs picked a pin for the saddle stand and lawn mower blades he ordered. Once he picked me up I ran into the liquor store and we headed home to unload groceries after 1.

I made us a delicious chicken fruit spinach salad for a late lunch. Craig and Asher stopped to get a load of goodies from under the barn stairs and stopped to visit once done. I went and took the girls out to the barn paddock with grazing muzzles after locking the other in there too. S watered a few more trees and installed the new pin in the saddle rack and put back in the trailer. It is a warm one at 23 but the wind has picked up even more. S started taking the wood top off the trailer as I started cleaning under the stairs and rearranging the feed room stuff and saws neatly under there. S helped me move a few heavy things and once I was done my clean sweep I helped him with the trailer. A trip to the house for a cold kombucha was in order during these tasks.

B's area needs a sort :)

For supper I made a HF pan fried salmon, book chop and jasmine rice. It was good but S says he was still hungry with the salmon piece sizes they include. I also brewed up sweet tea for my kombucha brew. Hockey was up next for him as I did a bit of computer work. We headed out him putting water on the back flower bed and I went and cleaned stall, filled hay, mixed KD med mash and one for Pepper (s hauled me a water bucket) then brought them in for the night. I opened the gate for the other 3 then watered the garden. S pulled the trailer over to pressure wash the frame. He is also putting on a new tire and new jack. This looks like a complete rebuild to the trusty little trailer.

The cats had raw food and water refilled, checked Pepper and gave KD her evening meds while she was laying down. After the hockey game I headed out for a hot tub as the wind finally let us to a breeze with S joining after post hockey comments. A shower and a smoothie and relaxing in bed rounded out our night.

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