Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Almost 2" in rain

It was a usual start to the day with H being fed, handful of beet pulp soaked for KD, coffee made and delivered to the sleeping prince then a relax while enjoying the first cup in bed. Then dressed and out to give KD her morning meds, clean stalls and fill hay bags. The rain gauge has us now at 1 3/4"!! Back in for a second cup, put on soup bones to simmer and some computer work while S had a telephone dr call. Best wishes to Dad who is having dental surgery in the city today.

Lunch was an assortment of leftovers and the news, I then headed back out where I gave KD her Tylenol then put the 2 girls out in the barn paddock S came out and adjusted the arena man door to work as smooth as the front one!! I cleaned out poop in stalls but decided I may strip them but need more shavings. In the garage I finally scrubbed the vinegar soaked rusted casters.

We ran to town to pick up more bags of shavings, wood for the trailer top, fuel the truck and grab a cold brew coffee for the ride home. Back at home I added veggies to the soup pot after deboning meat then out to strip the stalls. S was the transport guy running each load to the pit. He then refilled the water buckets too. We finished up at 5 and were heading in when Wade and Barry arrived back from their US trip to watch Barry's son. We visited with them after I fed Harley for about 45 minutes then they were on their way. Inside I finished up the soup for our supper.

I headed back out to fill the stalls with fresh bedding. I brought in KD which resulted in 3 poops topped off with her kicking them around each time before I got in to clean up. I caught Switch and brought her in as tonight's companion. S saw the stray cat so found the trap and we baited it with cat food and will lock up the cats tonight and try and catch this guy. Britt spotted him a week ago and he has been here ever since eating their food too.

this is NOT J, look as his surly face

Britt, Dave and Cooper were out at the usual time, enjoyed a bowl of soup then hooked up Biebs to B's new cart and off they went in the beautiful sunny evening, S helped me move the eclectic charger over to the paddocks to help stop beavering then he ran over to Matt's for a job request in the ranger checking for varmints on his way and once back did a bit of lawnmowing. The townies left at 9:30 as he came in and I was updating the blog.

maiden cart drive video

just like the Amish at a tire shop :)

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