Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Sunrise on fire

 H wanted out after 7 and boy were the skies on fire today. SOOOO worth getting up early.

just watch the video of this beautiful show

The usual routine then in for her Kong while I did some marketing finally.

A previous customer dropped off a bed frame before 10 to have it custom painted then was off. I swept and reorganized some things, threw in horse/dog laundry then got busy on the big dresser. I wanted to add definition around the drawer boxes so grabbed a new color and got busy. I was hoping for Shaina's opinion as she was the one who really wanted the solid grey but she was not to get up until after 12 when I went in for lunch.

Here it is on the bottom with the solid above. I set it as a poll on Instagram.

Then carried on adding the darker charcoal along the edges and grooves.

Wanting to see it all together I stuffed in all drawers with the darker blended lower left.

The hardware was scrubbed, the green scrubby removed the perfect highlights.

I painted all the drawers not waiting for any other opinions then in for lunch. Shaina and I had chili then she was onto her laptop. 

I headed back to the garage but saw the tractors that were back in the field from 8 am were gone so went to feed and let out the cats.

It was another beauty day that hit 19. KD needed her feet done so Shaina and I walked out to get her and do them. I had Shaina get Jessie's weight for the start of her gain plan, she was 1033 pounds. Shaina also scooped poop out of her pen to keep it tidy and save Harley from eating it all.

Britt and Cooper arrived as we were doing this, she fed Bird and Shaina rounded KD's feet once I was done them all. B headed back to town at 3 leaving Cooper, Shaina was back to her laptop and I hauled out the kids table to sand down the top since it was so nice.

At 4 I threw the squashes in the oven and took the dogs for a hike. We were getting back as Shaina was heading to town to work out. I was working on marketing when Britt was back around 5 bringing me a hot pumpkin spice tea, YUMMY!! We grabbed the supplies and took them to the hay bales on the quad with the dogs loping behind us. We are very lucky to have such quiet horses. We took of the old bandage and had Switch stand in a bucket of water for 15 minutes with no halter while vehicles on the highway zoomed by and the dogs were underfoot. B pulled some tufts of hay on the nets but the one with a large hole had the most interest once Roo found it. We finished the new wrap and headed back to the house as it is now dark, boo. B and C headed home to continue painting closets. B has this whole week off for vacation so that was one of her goals. She has a list of things to do yet.

I made up the soup and was just finishing it when Shaina was back after 6. We enjoyed the hot delicious soup, yummy!! Then both of us got back to our chores. She headed to town to help a friend around 8:30 so I took H out for a pee and put her to bed, finished catching up the blog and ventured to relax in bed myself after 9 and actually shut out the lights just before 10! Harley did wake the household when Shaina arrived back home at 11:45 to get a snack and head to bed.


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