Monday, November 23, 2020

Bottle depot day

H was up around 7 moving from bed to matt then outside our door then back to door. I did let her out at 7:30 and started our day. I delivered a coffee to the prince as he was making his way out. I jumped in the shower while he was playing with H. Today I was a guest host on the weekly Monday Instagram tour so it was very exciting and increased my followers by about 100. Will see how long they stay. I had an Etsy sale yesterday so packaged it all up and got the shipping sorted but without a printer (Harley may have caught it on her tail and pulled of filing cabinet) I will need to get post office to print.

Once coffee fueled S went out to let cats out and bring in the meat. He counted as I loaded it into the freezer. Looks like we will be able to eat well for awhile :) Shaina was up when we came inside, made her cappuccino, toast and got to work on her laptop.

Prince loaded up the recyclables to take to town. The navy bar stool were picked up as we were having lunch.

Double S's headed to town after lunch; Shaina was dropped at the gym while S ran bottles to the depot (almost $100!! but his recyclables were a bust as closed today) grabbed a couple groceries and McDonald's coffees for team double S and was supposed to drop off my Etsy parcel.

I wrote a tutorial for the bed frame then headed out in the PLUS 3 sunshine to play ball with Harley and cleanout and fill the horses mineral tub. We were still playing ball when the town run peeps made it back before 4. However it was not long before I asked S how he made out with post office printing the label and he said he forgot so back to town he went.

S got back to her programming then catch up calls while I made supper. Tonight I tried the minute steaks making mushroom minute steaks as our first taste of our new beef. S mashed potatoes for me with Shaina finishing up her calls after 6 in time to join us. She washed up the pots while S went to put cats away and I helped Britt trim and dremel Harleys nails when she stopped out after 7 super quick.

S and I finished the first season of Bad Blood (based on true events of Canadian mafia, who knew?) and started season 2 but I was getting tired so we called it a night.

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