Monday, November 9, 2020

Bright Sunny day

What a difference a day makes, today is a gorgeous no wind sunny day. Harley was waiting outside my door before 7:30. She was happily surprised to the storm had left when she ventured out. After our usual routine we bundles up and took the ranger looping around the 2 south fields looking for the pink ball. Darren was outside and met Harley too. We searched the old wood buildings south too but came up empty. 

We looped ours too just in case it caught on the barbed wire but feel it blew south which would really get rolling past the rail fence. H took a short run but soon wanted back up on the ranger seat. The kittens ventured out for a bit and J came to the garage for a nap. It was -13 waking and it warmed up to zero. I put the ranger away and back inside.

Har did go for a short run but preferred the comfort of her passenger seat

The hardware for the end table was sprayed a oil rubbed bronze quick then in to make some guacamole for a brunch snack. B wanted me to check on Cooper and I had a few errands so loaded up Harley and we were off to town after 11:30. First stop was the thrift store to drop off and found a jewelry box while there.

Next to restock on coffee creamer and fuel up Sheldon's truck for his big hunting trip tomorrow seeing I had traveled a bit with miss H. Peavy mart was an exciting stop as Harley got to go in. Unfortunately all the items I was looking for were sold out but she met lots of folks who loved her up. Our stop to check on Cooper confirmed indeed he pooped on the carpet. I let him out, cleaned it up then put him back on the couch with his TV.

We could not come to town with out a thot tea and timbit for my copilot. Back at the ranch I got back to work on the end table. It was black waxed and more spray on the hardware. Touchups on it and the big dresser were next before I put another coat of primer on the bed frame.

Laundry was all folded and put away prepping for the prince's arrival. Seeing there was so much snow out home he may not be hunting this week. I finished up the last of the burger sauce and rice for an early supper, fed Harley hers then she and I went out to put J in the barn and close it up. I checked Switch's foot but still no change ;( It is pitch dark after 5 now. Inside I caught up the blog while watching an episode of Alienist.

Britt and Cooper arrived after 6:30, the dogs played outside while I made us tea and she cleaned up the guacamole. She had an online board meeting at 7 but was over in about half hour when the president never showed up. B had some cereal eventually after we chatted up some new classes she is interested in taking. One course started last week wouldn't you know it and now not till next year. The dogs are still working on how to stay calm inside the house. The townies headed home after 9, I was finishing season 1 of the Alienist as Sheldon got home at 11.

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