Sunday, November 29, 2020

Butcher shop was open again

Sunday was yet another beauty sunrise and start to the day. I spent allot of it busy updating blog posts as I had an email I was accepted as a new milk paint affiliate. Check out the new colors I can order.

The sun did not last long and the rest of the day was cloudy and overcast but did hit plus 1. Butcher Bob got part of his deer to start chopping up around 1 stopping for a bowl of pho. Shaina was up later then usual but did spend a good part of the day cleaning the bathroom while watching her videos. I put a roast in the slow cooker at 11 then made a batch of no knead bread dough and let rise for 3 hours.

Britt arrived around 1 to feed Bird then hang out relaxing, painting her nails and enjoying the day. The bread was done about 3 and left to cool but it looks yummy!

Kaylin arrived bearing Starbucks beverages for all, THANK YOU. We had a nice visit as a beautiful sunset exploded out the window. Sheldon stopped to catch up too before he was back to the butcher shop. Sadly my roast was not ready for supper in time for Kaylin to join us having things in the city to do and she was off around 5:30.

I had potatoes and carrots ready to go with the roast and bread and made gravy once roast was out resting. It was yummy if I say so myself. B and Cooper were off for home before 7, Shaina helped wash up pots and pans and was off to the gym after7. Sheldon finished up at the butcher shop at 8 coming in to relax his sore back. Shaina was back before 9.

Shaina took this video of the kittens and Harley.. and we were worried she might eat them LOL

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