Friday, July 31, 2020

Last day of July

Today will be another scorcher. We ran to town to pick up the good food boxes, stop and let Cooper out, add missing wheel to bed frame and put mattress on it for B, picked up wood & screws for the house sign project, fill Gerry cans and car with gas then deliver the food boxes to Paetz's and Stouts where we stopped for a beer on the deck.

We were back to the ranch after 1. Lunch and a rest in big brown for the prince. Indeed it is another warm one out with a high of 28.

we met the Amazon delivery guy at the gate and he had these new weight loss items for the 2 fatties.

I had a fellow pick up a twin bed frame stored in the trailer. One more thing moved out!! I sorted trough more things then rousted my helper. We hauled out the futon as well to take pics and K decided she could use it so back in it went. She has a A/C unit in their so hauled it out and photograph and post for sale to make her some $$.

awe, Kaylin has always been an artist ;)

Then I headed back in and created my Fusion Mineral Paint giveaway to celebrate the long w/e.

Supper was meal #2; crispy shrimp tacos which were really good.

Once Britt and Cooper popped out she fed Bird while we tried on the new weight loss head gear. Switch and KD were not to sure about this but seemed to catch on by end of the evening. 

trying to figure them out

body shots for visual progress

After B and Cooper were off S started a campfire to enjoy on this beauty night and watering some trees in this heat. We rounded out the night starting season 2 of Yellowstone.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

First golf game of ther year

Poor Lola had a busy night keeping coyotes at bay. Around 3 am she was really upset, S went out and 3 were right in the yard by the tree so he set off a few shots. Eventually she must have pushed them back and settled. S was up at 7 excited to go golfing with Craig and delivered a coffee to me seeing of course I too was awake. Britt dropped Cooper off for his Thursday day care day at 7:15.

Craig picked up Sheldon and they were off before 8. I had another coffee while I did a bit of marketing then hiked to far water trough to see if needed water, all good. The morning started very misty and dark but the sun was burning thru fast. 

I had acupuncture at 11 and man she found all the sore spots. On my way home I hand delivered an Oyen Echo to a former Oyenite and teacher of mine who gets it but many times it is folded inside ours.

Craig brought back some numbers for a house sign I am to create, here is my mock up

Sharon stopped at 2 to check out the buffet pieces I had on hand as well as the little demi lune. Craig and Sheldon rolled in right after her from their big adventure. Unfortunately the wee table was a bit to wee. Showing her the walnut buffet in the storage trailer had me heading back out after she left to see about taller accent tables. S of course curled up in big brown in the A/C seeing it was another 30 degree + day for a nap.

I hauled out a box of new horse tack that had gotten wet. Only a new rawhide quirt was ruined but the rest fine. I proceeded to haul multiple boxes of Barbie's and dolls out on the ramp to bring to the house. Back at the house I wiped the new turnout horse blanket with vinegar water and hung on the deck. S woke and cleaned out the ranger box and loaded the boxes for me depositing on the deck,

My next task was to sort thru all and wipe boxes and move inside and store. I posted a few other pieces to go from the trailer as well. There was one of the "camper" boxes that got water damage and was the most work. We also hauled out a brand new patio table that S spent the next hour assembling on the deck.

I cooked up the first food box meal: Mediterranean beef platter which was good. B and Cooper arrived at the usual 7:30. She fed Bird and I took out watermelon rinds Sheldon had from cutting it. I was sharing the trailer purge and her toy box would be delivered and she offered to store Shaina's mattress and ottoman, Kaylin's box spring. We coaxed S out to the heat to back the trailer in and load these gems and run them to town.

At her place we assemble the bed frame, moved the stuff all in up and down and were off for home after 9:30.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Another hot day and more to come

Coffee was on before 9 as Shaina prepped for a morning 9 am zoom call with a potential new client. I panned the bread to proof at 10. Once she was done we all duded up and went out for a ride before the heat hit. It was 24 when we left and hotter once we got back. All were hosed and off to roll. Shaina pressure washed her saddle pad seeing the pressure washer was still out. 

We were all back in just before 12, Shaina barbequed smokies then she and the prince had naps while I put the bread in to cook and wax the accent table. Once awake S loaded recyclables and trash and was off to town to do errands on his list. I staged a few pictures of the table then updated the blog. It was another scorcher out there so I brought Lola in to lay on the front mat.

Shaina was off for town then the city and home after taste testing the now cooled sour dough loaf before 4. I wrote a tutorial for the little crate. S was back before 4:30 with groceries, his skid steer fork drilled and ice caps; perfect for this hot 30 day. He crawled in big brown to chug his ice cap and complain about the heat LOL. The paddock grass looks like it might be drying up and solving our "fat" pony issue.

I prepped more veggies to try on our new copper infused grill mat and S prepped the steak. The left over potatoes and carrots from last night were added to this mat as well. It all turned out super scrumptious. I made us a fancy decaf cappuccino for after supper.

Britt and Cooper came out after 7:30. I walked out her new face mask that was in the parcel from Deb. She made one for each of the girls; horses for B, sparkly purple for K and a classic black for S along with 4 new ones for the prince. She also sent along season 2 of Yellowstone, yeah!! THANK YOU little sewing lady.

While I was out I watered the garden and finally was able to taste some fresh peas. S came out to put on the freshly drilled skid steer fork and put on. After Bird was fed B was calling Cooper only to see them barking and chasing a skunk, She jumped in the ranger and went out to herd them home. The smell wafted ahead of them but both seemed to have missed a direct spray. I did see Lola rolling in the pasture so hopefully not very stinky. Good thing she is back to outdoors at night. She loaded Cooper and they were off. 

S and I put the fireball in on the hoist, raised it and moved the furniture back after I swept. He was also finally able to try out his truck cover the girls gave him before we lifted it. He then retreated to the A/C and big brown to catch some hockey while I finished up in the garage. It feels so much better to have my space back. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hottest day of the year so far

We were up and coffee on before 8 enjoying a couple cups in bed catching up. Lola did great overnight, I did have to check a few times just to make sure not overworking her leg. I then got dressed in my hot jeans to go ride. Today is to be even hotter then yesterdays 28 so I wanted to ride early. S ate his cereal on the deck as it is a beauty day. Before I caught Switch I defolliaged my zucchini after a reminder YouTube video to get them more air and pollination.

Switch and I had a good over half our work out. S raked the paddock and ditch quick before he set off to town for his 11 am massage. Low and behold he found our Good Food delivery at the gate from yesterday!!!! Dam FedEx, the usual driver always has it at my door. Fingers crossed the mystery illness does not return.

I was just walking back to the barn with Switch when Britt and Cooper arrived before 10:30. She caught bird and after hosing and releasing Switch I caught Pepper and KD and joined her on a trail ride in the now 26 degree heat. KD would prefer a rider I think to get some speed. Shaina is coming tonight so will encourage her to ride her in the am. Once back at the ranch I hosed and released while B continued her exercise work with Bird before heading home. I had over 10,000 steps (thanks to the ponies) by 11 am!!

I mixed up some milk paint and put it on the accent table, pretty. I was watering my parched garden when S arrived back at 1:30 with Opa for lunch. I took a quick break to eat it then back out to finish watering while the prince hit big brown for a wee nap.

Time to sand the milk paint table that in the now 32 degree heat was dry in short order then hemp oil it. S headed off to bale. He got 3 1/2 bales and was on his way back coming up the laneway when I saw smoke billowing out of the baler. Of course he did not answer his phone but I waved him to stop; grabbed the hose and got to putting it out.

see the smoke above his head, burning hay!

He moved the setup to the grass seeing it needed more water and cleaning and before pressure washing it out he to the ranger back to check no bales were on fire. Whew! I prepped veggies for supper. Shaina arrived at 5 to stay the night and join us for beer butt chicken. 

She and I got it on the barbecue about 5:15 with an estimated hour and half cook time. 

above left 1 1/2 hours and right over 2 hours

I wrote a Hometalk post for the coffee table while it cooked and she computer work too. S was in to join us before 7 but we decided the chicken needed longer. I took off the veggies I had put on part way thru and let it cook about 2 hours plus. It was perfect and delicious. I whipped up a batch of sour dough bread from the starter I fed this afternoon and let it proof overnight.

Bale dude arrived after 8 to start loading the last few loads of his bales. Britt and Cooper arrived then too eating supper and off just after 8:30. Her lesson with Roo tonight went well and she should be home soon.


Shaina and I went out to tweak KD's feet finishing just as a lady stopped to purchase the orange saddle pad I had cleaned up. Shaina was back to her computer work as was I with a bowl of ice cream. S came in between loads finishing up the last and coming in after 11. Lola seems to be back to her out door status esp in this heat wave week.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Lola's first night outside on patrol

Those dam magpies and their 5:30 wakeup annoyances. Wish I had a good aim marksmen that was awake at that time to rid me of them ;) I did finally fall back asleep till 9 then scrambled to get Lola pilled, fed and outside, my Monday Instagram feature up, dressed and out the door to the marketing meeting at Sharon's at 10. We solved many more business quandaries over a couple coffees and fresh blueberry muffins.

I was back at the ranch just after 1 to quickly do some marketing then get busy in the garage starting with the one scrubbed chair that needed all the puppy teeth marks sanded out and even some areas filled. The screwed in chair feet were removed too.   

The dresser was thoroughly scrubbed and the dining table got coat #4. However at 28 degrees out the paint was drying faster then need be so once I was done it was time to quit painting. Not the time to start chairs and tomorrow is to be hotter yet.

I even turned the A/C on as this whole week is going to be warm. I think the weather may solve the lush grass issue. This allowed me to get busy with laundry, vacuuming and scrubbing the floor. It looks like my new spin mop is only $10/use now ;) Then it was on to computer work writing tutorials, blog post and marketing. Britt and C stopped after 7:30 for another quick feed for the Bird and off.

I was watching Grey's when Sheldon arrived around 10:30. He jumped in the shower nuked up a hot dog and hit the sheets. Tonight is Lola's first night outside and NOT on the deck. It is far to hot to subject her to the hot garage nor us to the deck patrol.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Pasture care Sunday

Lola was let out at 8:30, I shared my Sunday scroll stopper found on Instagram and made a cappuccino. Just in time to enjoy with a call from Mom to catch up. A bit of marketing then out to the garage to take apart the little table, scrape and sand and glue a cracked leg.

this is why I scrub everything, look at the puffy yuck ball

I was just finishing the 3rd coat of white paint on the dining table at 1 when Britt and Cooper pulled in. S jumped on the quad and started picking poop. I made us a couple protein smoothies and I jumped on the mower. For the next hour and half we revamped the middle paddock.

The barn paddock was even watered seeing it was now vacant as all horses together. Back inside before 3 S crawled in big brown and had a nap starting the day with a headache. I headed out and organized the garage a bit more to move the table top. The antique dresser drawers were vacuumed out and edges scraped.

Break time at 4 for a cold drink. B rousted and headed outside to ride Bird and I back out to start scrubbing chairs. First I had to open both big doors, back out the car, scrape the hair/dried mud off the floor and sweep car side out. A few trips to the sweltering mezzanine were next to get 3 more chairs then I got busy scrubbing them all.

It is a gorgeous full sun 25 degree day out so I must get back outside and ride. I caught Switch as B was letting Bird go and she caught Pepper and off we went around 5:30 for over an hour ride. Cooper caught up to us in the winery and joined in. It was such a great day to ride. Back at the ranch it was hose and release time. B and Cooper loaded up and were off after 7. I thought I might have supper only to see the horses all eating in the fat pen so headed out to shoo them out to middle paddock and lock the gate. 

My outside time was not over with watering the garden and using bailer twine to help my heavy pea plants to their frame. Finally I came in to nuke a hotdog and left over veggies eating at 8. Then it was back out to the garage to glue the accent table together and let dry overnight.


I have ran out of Netflix shows and remembered I had Grey's on PVR from way back in February when we went to Belize so started catching up on those getting 3 caught up before shutting it down and putting Lola inside.