Tuesday, July 31, 2018

River ride

We had 1/10th of rain overnight. Today we planned a trail ride with the guests along with Britt and Shaina as their days off and Mom who is on vacation. Blair, Sheldon and I were up after 8 and the cement fellow was here soon after to get finishing touches down and let us know cement was being poured today! Trying to get their bags delivered was the morning goal as riding would be hard wearing shorts but eventually it was confirmed they would arrive around 11:30.

Shaina when rousted before 11 was still in bed and changed her mind about coming to join us. Britt was home around 11:30 with luggage delivery not far behind. Mom had left home after 9 arrriving around 12:30 just after we loaded up the tack and the cement truck arrived.

We ate sandwiches, loaded up the horses and on the road south at 1 pm. Once all 6 horses were tacked up we set off on a most lovely trail ride for over 2 hours.

Britt was the trail boss which requires moving fallen trees


Back at the trailers we had a cold drink, visited with the land owners then were headed back to the ranch. It was a warm one at 26 so the sweaty ponies all got hosed and resorted into pens, water was hauled to slim who resides in the round pen, saddles put away etc before Sheldon and I got supper on the go. Cement guy was just finishing the hosing of the exposed sidewalks.

Finished in time for him to eat quick and be off to his rodeo meeting at 6, we enjoyed our meal then had a nice relaxing visit (one napped in big brown) in the evening glow. Britt headed to the city at 8 after a nap too.

S was home from the meeting after 9 and started a fire for he and Blair to enjoy for a couple hours. Mom had a tub, Helen was off to sort laundry and I showered and caught up the blog. It all ended up well for the river ride day.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Our UK guests arrive

B was home just after 6 bumbling around the kitchen to get packed for work and was off by 7. Seeing I was awake listening to her it was a long time till coffee at 8. Morning chores for S was to start the water on the grass and let the horses all out in winter pasture while I plucked a few weeds and got water on the back flower bed.

He was then off to tidy the grass while I tidied the house and rearranged my painted pieces to get the octagonal coffee table out from the bottom to send back with Mom as sold to a gal in Oyen.

The cement guy arrived mid morning to get started on the back sidewalk prep. Good timing on his part as the day was a hot one at 32 and he had most of it in the shade. He did take a break and come back but by the end of day he had back, small area at the front and the big door on back side of the shop’s apron framed and rebarred.

 I watered my planters then headed to the shop to help Sheldon with a new project, installing a pulley system to raise the bale elevator up to the rafters and store inside. I drove the tractor lifting him up in the bucket to install the pulleys then we had to untwist which had me up on the ladder but eventually we got it install but had no place to tie it once it was lifted. We need a boat dock cleat was my suggestion on the wall.

We headed thru town to try and pick up a cleat at 2 of the hardware stores with no luck. We grabbed a tea and fuel and were on our way to the city to pick Blair and Helen up with a planned land at 7:20. We are meeting at gal at the cell parking to have the stool picked up. However as we left town they text there was mechanical issues with their plane and have been delayed a bit. We forged on to the city arriving just after 6:30 so grabbed a few groceries. Bad news, the A/C could not be fixed so they offloaded the plane while it went for repairs. Then they were rerouted to yet another plane and it too was delayed.

As we headed to the airport  the weather now changed to lightening and wind and the temperature dropped to 18, crazy! We waited the cell lot for the stool pick up lady then went to eat some supper then back to the cell parking lot. Eventually their plan arrived after 10 but found after waiting for their checked baggage it did NOT come on the plane. These poor weary travelers, we picked them up bag less and headed for the ranch. A quick catch up over a glass of water and we all were off to bed by midnight.

Britt had come home after work, picked up Cooper and took him to the city for the usual Monday night stay. Lola however did not want to come in and after a few attempts in the now raining night I left her out.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Another hot Sunday

Even hotter today and more so tomorrow they say. Trying to get a jump on the heat and motivated by a late start with coffee in bed, S went out and hauled the quad trailer full of crap to the pit then the wheelbarrow. His next project was cutting chain to make gates in the mez while I swept the barn floor from yesterday. I also gave my zucchini and squash plants a drink of milk/Epsom salt, yep that what a lady says works on YouTube ;) lets see if it works as I seem to have blossom rot.

Thanks to our environmentally conscious Shaina for providing the family with bamboo toothbrushes, no more plastic in the land fill!! XOXO

I staged the tables and stool for a few shots before they go

B of course did not rise until after 12 and then it was very slowly. She did continue her laundry and started to tidy her room, for real she says this time. It was 27 at noon hot enough I could have cooked the bacon on the deck for our BLTs ;) S claims not feeling well so spend the afternoon in big brown, B continues to rustle around in her room so I cleaned, hung a new metal art piece

  and moved the living room furniture around. That is so much fun.

It got up to 28 as we ran to town to deliver the 2 navy tables and pick up some free plants a friend was digging out. We picked up more groceries and rum and for supper grabbed a burger and a blizzard. When we got back home at 7:30 B had been wondering where we went not hearing me say we were off to town. Seeing there was no supper she changed and was off to the city to got for supper with Dave before 8. I got the plants in and watered quick along with the other planters. We enjoyed some relaxing time on the deck watching the sprinkler run before calling it a night.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

horse day

After coffee in bed I got to work on the tables I just had to touch last night and give myself more work. S started his day cleaning out the mercury for our soon to arrive guests. He drove it up on the lawn and got busy vacuuming and scrubbing it all up pretty.

I rousted Britt to get up and catch horses as Connie the farrier was coming today just after 11. She trimmed Switch, Bird and little Roo while visiting with Britt and I and updating our knowledge banks. (she hosted the clinic Britt took a few weeks back) Sheldon even stopped in to sit, watch and have a beer.

She finished up around 1:30 then B and I put hoof armor on Bird and Switch then came in for a bite to eat and drink. B quickly retreated to her room feigning cleaning. S had moved on to his truck after his lunch/beers break.

I hung my new bee house.. come on bees

I again asked B to come clean out the puppy pool and refill and while out she was inspired to do her car too. I touched up the white car's rust spots now all clean while S supervised both B and I from his lawn chair and another cold beer. Hot 27+ day you know ;)

He moved on to washing his fireball exterior while I dug new potatoes and made up all the barbque packs. Supper was so yummy, added fresh garlic I traded for last week. Sadie got a quick blast to the exterior, all vehicles sparkle today.

We all went out for a beauty ride, what a gorgeous night! Once back, I tweaked Pepper's trim and B and I put hoof armor on him too. Time to put vehicles away and capture Lola for the night. Almost a full moon out there, such a pretty night.

check out the height of these alfalfa plants growing in the saskatoon bushes at the winery!! Taller then me on my horse

Pepper loved him some choke cherries