Thursday, May 18, 2017

windy day

I had a headache when Britt was heading off to work, it was still there around 8:30 when I remembered I had a riding lesson at 9!! Yikes time to move fast, get ready catch and tack up horse and was ready with time to spare. Sheldon even passed me a coffee to go mug. He kindly came and hosed the arena so we could have the lesson inside as even though it was sunny it was VERY windy, thanks buddy.

He wrapped the new pen with the hot wire and I put 3 horses in after my lesson. He cut down all the white inspection tubes making easier to mow and graze now. I watered flower beds hoping to not have most evaporate along with the new shrub and small trees. Prince moved the bale into the winter pen at the top of the dugout then sprayed the trees suffering from bugs already.

new tree #4, just as tall as first ones

brown girls

The rest of the day is a blur leaving it till Sunday to write about and so much done since then :)

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