Sunday, May 28, 2017

tree trimming

Up at 7 wondering where Britt might be, seems she slept over at Brooke's but did not think to let me know ;/. Up early on a sunny Sunday I grabbed a coffee and got busy. The dining table base got a coat of primer on base and underside. The bread box needed a couple coats of paint and wax on the bottom of the door that showed .

the birthday girl looking ravishing at 13 ;)

Time to go in the sunshine to top up all horses water tubs and refill salt/mineral tubs. Scoop poop in the new paddock which led to a full wheel barrow. Time to transfer it and the barn poop tub into the trailer I got hooked up to the quad and off to the gate. I might as put my tree branches I planned to trim from the huge evergreen at the gate too. For the next hour or so I sawed and clipped and sprayed (pruning spray) my way to a much prettier tree. I do however need a boot to get the higher ones. Many people driving by probably wondered what I was doing half way up the tree with my feet on two branches, hanging on to another with one hand and sawing away. HAHA that and balancing on my quad front for other branches.

Dropping all the branches in the pit I practiced my extreme quad driving up and down the edges and found one of the huge metal tree baskets rolling around. I loaded it and the pallet and pitch fork left at the gate as my trailer was now empty and headed back to the house.

 the new tree has a jaunty new angle after the wind, need more then my muscles to straighten it up
Britt was home from working at the tanning salon, her last shift ever there at 4. She had kindly picked me up a bleeding heart root ball from a ladies doorstep and I got busy planting it and watering it in. I also gave Lola a good brushing.

she LOVES being brushed

B napped having to be woke up when Shaina arrived at 5:30 for us to ride. It was a beauty day to ride at 23 and no wind but the ride thru the hay field stirred up mozzies and not 1 but 2 coyotes! This side tracked Lola who never continued on the ride.

Back home, hosed off and put away, Shaina was off to the city leaving Britt and I to eat a quick supper. B then retreated to the basement. Coco and I walked to the gate to shut it after I had quadded down earlier to open for a lady to pick up a garage sale item and leave open for us to ride out.

I went with the mercury glass knobs ;)

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