Saturday, February 28, 2015

Final day ~ Home Sweet Home

Saturday.. the final day was early up, finish packing then hit breakfast and to the beach. However the weather had other plans and unleashed another rain cloud over us.. It eventually passed and we hit the pool for a bit when it dumped another bucket or two. This allowed final packing and bags sent to lobby. time for lunch and enjoy the pool which now was super hot sunshine.  

They had a great hospitality room to shower and get ready, it was here I left my new sunglasses (shown above) and elastic. I have a broken old clip that could not loose itself! we enjoyed a cold beer and grabbed a LIIT to go, jumping on the minivan to the airport (this was when noticed glasses missing;(  )

wouldn't you know it, after waiting for a couple hours, our flight showed delay, of course it did. The original 7:50 departure did not happen till nearly an hour later. Imitation Game was the movie on flight home. I also worked on finishing my 2nd book of the trip, a James Paterson novel Sheldon read on the trip as well. He too started a 2nd one but only just.  The pilot did make up some time on flight home, we landed at 12:34 and were out of immigration and luggage by 1 am! Shaina was kind enough to pick us up, ok we did pay her but she offered, thanks Dude! Home by 2... home sweet home, I LOVE my bed!! (although even washing it all up clean before leaving it felt like we were still in a sandy beach bed)
check out my small suitcase next to Captain Ron's ;)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 4~6

Wednesday.. a wee tummy issue hit me after our morning latte and my beach walk, Sheldon rest under a tree so we grabbed bite to eat then hit the pool under the palapa for shade. Warm out today as well but drinks went down slow. Sheldon worked on reading his book while I worked on relaxing. the fun part of the day was a hobie cat ride I had booked .Sheldon was nervous but eventually we got out and it was fun, lots of waves but good. After a shower we relaxing again around the pool. supper was another booked item, Punta Emelia beach restaurant. it was very good but my tummy was only feeling better so did not push it.

time to shower and hit the pool area to rest and read

 then off to supper

 at the beach seafood restaurant

they are gaining money on us, Thursday morning (humid) we tried to book the Japanese but being down by 9 was too late. We took a long train ride to find the spa after a quick breakfast where we booked our couples massage for Friday. A trek back to our room, change into swim gear and spent the day by the pool. We finally figured how to get guac and chips before 4. not many drinks the entire day, what the heck. a beach walk later in the day led us to the foam party, of course I had to try it. more beach walking and time to shower before a relax in my housecoat updating the blog on the deck. it was another HOT day. We went late for supper to the Colonial side hoping to get into the Mexican rest, la Adelita. we arrived at 7:15 and it was packed, min 45 min wait. they give you a beeper so we took a walk to beach bar for a cafe latte and returned by 8 but it was about 20 min later before we got it. very good food and worth the wait. As we were leaving we saw a show that actually had real dancers and parts were good, it was all the musical hit songs. back home via the train and to the room to chillax 
 they finally got our fountain to work.. yeah

 the beach walk lead to a foam party

 do these bubble make my bum look larger.. lol yep!
 sticky stuff

 closest Sheldon got to the foam

Rain started Friday morning out, our last full day. The table next to us offered us there bottle of champagne so mimosas started our day! We sat under a palapa at the pool while it drizzled away but it really unleashed as we headed back to the room around 10:30 it rained while we caught a tram to the spa and the next couple hours were enjoyed there including a fabulous 30 min couple spa!! well worth the time share spiel for sure.

this was circle of rocks you walk on while cold jets of water stimulated your lower legs.. Prince did not like it
 but he liked this
 the showers were lion heads opening to the sky with palm tree in the center.. very cool

By now the sun was out and it was hot yet again. lunch and change to sunshine locations before showering and supper at the Eldorado steak house, very good supper. We never ate at a buffet once on the entire trip and still had not hit all the restaurants. A stop at the room almost took us down but we set out after 10 to hit the Jack Sparrow pirate show. It was good, typical dance show for a resort. I managed to finally blow my favorite flip flop stubbing my toe.

look at the volume I have down there.. ok that and I forgot my comb/brush so only finger combed entire time!

 hard to get a good photo from a stranger
 all desserts were plated fancy
seems our count down of lost/broken things continues. new hat, diamond earring, swimsuit (elastic was old), now flip flop but it continues.. I took a host of sephora treasures for our cleaning staff which I hope they enjoyed. also left magazines I never opened or read.. note to self.. don't take in future and take a darn paperback, electronic hard to read in sun but pain to have on beach if want to leave for a walk swim etc. No hat for me and pack an extra for Prince ;) oh and remember a comb hahaha