Sunday, November 30, 2014

shopping in the freezer

Up at 8 and still -22! I touched up paint on the vanity then added another coat to chair. Amber headed off around 1030 so Britt took dogs for a walk and plugged in the truck in hopes of going shopping. I removed the old chair fabric then jumped in the shower. She did too and by 1 we were out the door heading to Cross Iron.

Thank goodness for heated seats and steering wheel, yowza it is brisk out. We quickly stopped at Amanda's to pick up he parcel for Lori who was meeting us at the mall. First stop was Saje where I exchanged my two small plastic ones for the new jumbo. Britt used Xmas $ to buy herself the new glass one. She went off shopping while Lori and I visited over a tea till 4:30 catching up.
I hit a couple stores but the mall was super busy and full of shoppers and gawkers. We ate supper in the food court saving me cooking ;-) then made a quick stop at costco then on the road home.It was -27 there but -24 in Strathmore where we made a few more stops before getting home around 7:30 where it was a balmy -20!
The parcel from Candace was just in time, a shooter advent calendar, THANKS!! Britt learned how to use her neubulizer and how too much oil might just be really overwhelming;-)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

even deeper in the freezer

Awoke to -22, let out Lola and jumped back in to bed at 8. Candace sent a Christmas present via one of their transports and he called right after, however without plugging the truck in (Prince's rule) I was not able to meet him so he left at the husky. I started my day with a new Christmas coffee blend that tastes amazing with my creamer!
At least the sun was shining today which makes a big difference. After a chat with the prince I got busy in the garage painting the vanity... purple!

I was hand painting a believe sign just before noon as Britt came up briefly to see the dogs then retreated back down when I suggested bundling up and going to check the outdoor animals ;-) I scrubbed up another antique chair to do in matching purple.

Eventually though I got her to suit up and we took dogs for a shorter walk in the heat of the day at -15!! It was actually really nice, a bit nippy on the cheeks heading north but other than that, nice. I also threw out a bale as they were out. Britt checked KD leg as she has a cut somewhere under the snow packed hair. I was working on distressing and dark waxing my believe sign so redressed and went back out to check. All is ok, the cold will keep swelling down and it doesn't seem major. While out I refilled all the salt/mineral tubs while Britt checked cats and plug in skid steer.
Back in the garage I painted the chair first coat. To my surprise, Matt arrived to put out a bale, what a great neighbor!! THANKS Matt!! As a treat to warm him up I made a peppermint patty in a go mug, and one for B and I too!

For supper I cooked up this yummy roasted cauliflower/broccoli soup, sans hand blender. Mid making we had to do a thorough puppy pen hose down due to an ill puppy. Not sure but earlier she had thrown up but this time it was everywhere and not a good color. Britt chalks it up to perhaps dining on cat dung while with her in the shop.. YUCK!!
A fellow popped out from the city to purchase the antiqued stools then it was time to get back to the painting
my painting company
All purple pieces got another coat including the handles and the believe sign buffed, eye hooks and wire added and a few pics snapped. Poor Lola had gotten sick again by my work table but hope better tomorrow.

Amber arrived around 9:30 for a sleepover. I am finishing the blog and going to crawl in my cozy bed!! brrrr stay warm all 

Friday, November 28, 2014

deep freeze hits

So it was -16 with fog and blustery winds upon waking. This stuck around all day sometimes turning to near white out. Britt ventured out in this mess heading to town just after 10 for her massage. She then had blood work to do, pay her car registration (and mine THANKS B) and hit the gym before returning home. She didn't get here till after 2 and was to work at 3 but seems made a deal planning to return at 4-7.

I spent the day plagued with a headache sanding and scrubbing a new project. It is a small vanity which was painted a bright blue with primer underneath.. making for quite a chore! I am trying to decide between coral, my signature blue with dark stain or purple for the new color.

 ignore the shredded paper Lola decimated while I went inside ;)
 solid wood, all dove tailed drawers, hard to find furniture like that now a days

 trying a different wood filler idea
 scrubbed and drying
 these two sillies, prior to picture he had cleaned both her eyes hahaha
Accounting and laundry passed the afternoon and later I went out and scrubbed up the mirror I forgot. Britt got home around 7:30 played with and brushed dogs while I did a little black Friday shopping online. She made some popcorn and watched movies while I decided to get cozy in bed and watch PVR shows. Ralph loudly professed his displeasure to spending a night outside at -22 so Britt tossed him in the garage for the night.
 iphone took odd color pic but ready to paint
side note, check out Oyen a few years ago, Amanda posted this site, very cool. Here is Strathmore ;-)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

snow cover is back, deep freeze on its way

We awoke to fresh snow all around. After feeding and sending dogs out I put first coat of wax on the coffee table. Britt had her slow start Thursday spare. I posted items for sale hoping to continue to make room to decorate. Marketing is a huge part of this furniture gig for sure. I am thankful for the internet. It also is my source of finding projects along with the help of the Oyen Echo classifieds and my Mom! The coffee table got a distressing and dark wax application before I loaded up and was off to town around 10:30.
Restock on baileys, grab a couple gifts, check for a parcel & mail, get a massage, buy a tea and groceries and hit the bank before getting home. The weather was still nice around -5 so I shoveled the walks, loaded up two tubs of wood and took the dogs for a walk. The egg lady stopped then the hutch & coffee table customers arrived next.

I was putting a coat of white on the frame when Shaina stopped out for supper and a visit. We made chicken stirfry, perfect on this cooling down snow a rolling in day. She took a bowl to Britt who was working at the gym loaded up with eggs and sausage (great sustenance if stranded on roadside ;-))

It was then time to go back out and scrape the glass in the window frame now it is all painted then bring in for a quick staging. My liker count hit over 1300 today, yet another thing I am thankful for on this USA Thanksgiving day.
big change from the bright green heh?
Britt was home just after 9 bringing a friend who is a boy over to meet Lola and Diego for that fact. Both really liked this fellow which is odd for Big D, but then again they are tired as it is bed time :-) As Britt and Tanner came around the house for him to head home they spotted a fox right in my garden by the house!!! Britt frantically went to find cats only to find 2 of them in the bales right there at the dog house! Maybe he was looking for the composter? 3 dogs and all inside ;(
before and afters

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

snow arrives softly

Today up and at it by 7:30, coffee to get both Britt and I going and she was off. I got busy buffing the project then dark waxed and buffed again. Reassemble and snap a few pics was next.(sorry cant show ;( )
I sprayed the primer on the coffee table about 4 times and in between painted the green frame the first step which was black. Seeing a deep freeze is to return I took the dogs out for their big walk. We have it down to about 45 minutes and once back we were all hot. It was really nice at -2.
 this is my view down
 D holds of the herd.. Lola observes cautiously.. then one my mixed bag of nuts and I go!
Since it was nice out and the frame was dry, I took it outside to sand. Gail called needing fresh evergreen so two of the dogs and I bundled up again and headed to the gate. I trimmed off enough to decorate her deck and her Mom and her visited and met Lola.
It was starting to get dark so back to the house. A quick bite to eat before mixing the paint for the coffee table. It got first coat and the frame got some white added to it too. As it dried I fed up the dogs and made some hard boiled eggs to sustain Britt and I thru the week. ;) I also added the drawer liners to the hutch.
The snow started to fall softly as I let Lola out at 7. She stayed out laying in it for a bit while I painted another coat on the coffee table and then spent an hour sanding and dark waxing the frame. Interesting to date, will check with my inspiration boss, Second Life Sally, to see if she thinks I am on track.
Britt worked after school getting home about 8:30 as I was getting in the bath. I watched a 100 episode and then went out painted the table one last color coat, scraped the glass on the mirror and left Lola out one last time and to bed to read as was now 11.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

great sales day

Tuesday Sheldon was off at the later time of 5 am. The wind blew then and throughout the day although it was just under zero. Britt was feeling snuffy so slept in missing first class but eventually got moving.

I was back working, dark waxing the red Xmas frame then painting a larger custom piece. Around 2:30 neighbors arrived to pick up their custom color chosen dresser and checked out my stock. They ordered a coffee table to match the hutch they bought too. We also caught up for a bit too, THANKS Cindy & Bryson! coffee table will be next on production line.

Time now to wax the custom project, buff the frame and assemble the Christmas balls and stage.

Britt worked after school getting home after 9 as I was finishing scrubbing up this window and coffee table todays customers called.
did a quick sand on the coffee tabletop, forgot before photo as well as before scrubbed window above, it was dirty!