Sunday, September 7, 2014

2nd cut bales

Saturday, what a beauty day, The raker was going by 9. A bale customer friend and her sister stopped at 10 to load small square bales then I got Britt up and moving, time to catch and load horses food and drinks. Matt popped over and jumped in with us as we headed to the city for what may be last polox jackpot of the season. The baler was just starting as we pulled out around 11:30.

He jumped out at heritage to fetch his truck and we carried on to enjoy a fantastic 27 degree day in the sunshine. Many new to the game people were out, Shaina stopped by to grab some parcels and have a quick visit staying again overnight in the city.

After a sunny social visit after play we loaded back up and back at the ranch by 6. There were about 13 bales rolled up and looking great. The nights are coming faster and soon Britt was off to meet a friend and they were off to Rockyford for a sleepover at Amber's. I spent the night finishing season 2 of Homeland and started season 3 of Suits! NO noise from the soffit critter, guess it got out?? ;-/

Sunday I was awake early, geez, home alone and still on 7:30 wake up. Like I said when I worked full time I drug my heels at this wake up time with an alarm and now it is just in my head. I got prepared to go to a cowboy up challenge today with Britt. Seeing it is forecast to be the last nice day for a few I thought sure lets go. She however arrived at home around 9:30 as planned but had herself a self induced illness and bowed out of riding. She then headed down to "tidy" her room while I unpacked.

Mom and Dad arrived around 11. Dad would spend the afternoon here while Mom, Britt and I venture to the city to meet a long lost cousin of Mom's, another cousin and Shaina to have lunch and a visit at Olive Garden. Dairy intolerant Kaylin passed on meeting us there. Shaina was off to work at the golf course along with Kaylin later in the afternoon. Thanks for lunch Mom!

On our way home from the city we stopped to pick up a free washer/dryer set. Back at the ranch we strong girls unloaded in the garage then went in for a drink. Mom had brought some lilacs in pots. I tried planting one before the impending rain but the mosquitoes were horrid so back inside to the A/C. The beauty day began to fade as the temperature dropped and dust started to blow over from the winery. I harvested my zucchinis, moved my flower pots up by the door, cut the last of the flowers I will have this year in the garden and chopped my rhubarb. And it did not take long to shut off the A/C.
you can see here the delineation of the round up sprayed half of the hay that will be ripped up and rejuvenated and the half we will keep for next year's bales.
I had gotten Mom hooked on Sudoku so that consumed her evening. While she played and Dad rested and visited I diced rhubarb to make two pies along with supper. Even with the crappy weather that rolled in Shaina still worked till late. We enjoyed an evening of visiting and Sudoku lol.

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