Wednesday, March 12, 2014

1051 - water management

Day 1051 was another plus 9 day full of sunshine. Britt again caught a ride to school so Sheldon could take the probe back to the shop later. Coffee time and internet time was enjoyed before Sheldon went and rolled out a bale. I chatted up polox coach about upcoming trip and practices while we are gone. One is planned for Britt tonight but it is not long before she calls back to say cancelled due to arena flooded. And in this weather it may only get worse.

As I was calling to cancel a dental appointment I checked messages with one reminding Sheldon of his appointment at 11:20 and it currently was 11:15!! He bolted for town in Britt's car to appointment, car repair and grabbed groceries before picking up Britt from school and back home around 4.
I had a gal stop and buy a chalk board at noon as Shaina was just getting up to eat. She then spent time getting ready for work leaving early to hit the gym before the 4 pm shift. I sanded my stools and varathaned the tops, unloaded my treasures scored yesterday and promoted my anniversary draw slated for tonight. Another gal stopped quick to grab puzzles too.
Once home Britt lamented about her car that they claim has many more issues, basically not worth putting any more $$ into but not including the recent $450. She then went and caught KD & Scooter and I pulled the truck and trailer to the far gate, loaded and off to Matt's. We parked at his yard and rode over to RJ arena as there driveway was a mess. She and I rode for an hour practicing and conditioning the two horses before a leisurely ride back to the trailer and home.
Sheldon had spent this time pushing snow creating a channel for the accumulating snow to escape into the pasture. A fellow was just ahead of us and dropped off a change table I won the auction for but sadly it was missing ALL the hardware and the actual change part. When I contacted them about it they said nope that is the way it is..WTH. and they refused to return it to top it off. Some people are just not nice.

Time for a beer while cooking supper, time to barbecue burgers! A  A shower and relax time were the rest of the night. Perhaps I should pack my bag.

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