Sunday, March 9, 2014

1048 - time jumps ahead

Day 1048 was sunny and started plus 4 going  up to 8 by noon. I put a coat of wax on the bookshelf and brought in to stage then Mom and Travis and I had coffee. I hurried to get it done thinking they were heading home tonight but as I reminded them to load it they said they were here another night.. oh well at least it is done ready to go.

They headed to town after 11:30 while I stayed behind waiting for furniture pick ups. Posted photos as well as the lazy susan before rousting Britt at 1 to help me trim horse feet. She eventually got up made more coffee at 130 and came to help.

I trimmed Pepper, Scooter and needing a break on my back, Britt caught Bird and we took a quick bareback ride. We searched the field for a missing blanket strap but had no luck. The sunshine was amazing and the snow felt the now plus 10 and is mushy.

Next it was Bird's turn for a trim making enough for one day. Time to go in for a cold drink and finally some food at 3:30. I managed to pinch something in my back so after the drink and natchos it was time for a hot bath and quick nap.
 Bird's foot to show you the winter growth shown above on right hand of photo, then trimmed below
Rest of the evening was TV and relaxing the sore back till Mom and TJ arrived at 10:30 for happy hour and visit. Shaina got home from her night in the city and work shift from 5-9:30 not feeling well and off to bed. Ralph would not come in to the garage so looks like he will spend first night outside

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