Saturday, March 8, 2014

1047 - back in the saddle again

Day 1047 we awoke to PLUS 3!!!! on the downside there was a chinook wind. Mom and I had a coffee before the girls joined and grabbed a piece of toast. It was then time to catch horses and get on the road to first polox practice of the year.

Practice was fun and eventful, the horses had lots of spunk. The warm weather and first group gathering does that though. After loading up we were back home around 1, fed them, made lunch showered and Britt and I were off to town to help Paetz's move around 3.
I bought these off a neighbor of Auntie Mindy, Mom brought up, now to paint!

On the way I grabbed a bidding item I scored, this cute mirror
We moved and scrubbed and organized, had pizza and a beer.

A visit and play time followed before I dropped Britt at another birthday party at 8. I came home and applied the wallpaper to the bookcase back.

Mom and Travis arrived at 9:30 so again it was happy hour and visiting remembering the time goes ahead an hour tonight. This meant Britt got home later than she actually did.

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