Thursday, March 6, 2014

1045 - trip to town :-)

Day 1045 still no warmer at -16 but there is hope, they say a chinook rolling in this weekend. It was grey and lightly snowing Todays projects were underway early waxing the red table and mirror then staging the mirror for a few pictures.

Putting the final wax on the white jewel box too. Next I start to glaze a candlestick but did not like it so repainted it white and distressed again. I packaged up items for pickup.

Shaina was up making us scrambled eggs and having a coffee before she headed to town to work at 11 dropping Coco at the groomers on her way. A gal stopped out to pickup 4 free SS water bottles.
forgot to post before photo yesterday so here it is
I was off to town at 1 stopping to tan, dropping off a couple more bags of goodies for people in Dominican Republic a friend is taking over, pickup a new purchase, dropping off some sold items, getting a tea (and my 2nd roll up win ok only a donut but a win) grabbing groceries then finally getting to see the new Paetz home! This and picking up the newly trimmed Coco and the mail and home before 3!
Shaina was home from her day of serving folks at 5 and promptly had a nap while I cooked tacos for supper. Britt joined us as we were finishing at 6:30 after hanging out in town after school. Seems she won a raffle on a field trip today winning a go mug, golf shirt

They both headed to town after supper to go to the gym then Shaina is off to wing night and stay over at Jenna's while Britt will get a ride home with Kyra who will have sleepover here. No School tomorrow! I white washed a large lazy susan and surfed the net.

Surprisingly Shaina was home before 10 with a headache :-( Britt and Kyra hung out in town for a bit too getting home around 11.

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