Friday, February 28, 2014

1039 - movie night

Day 1039 the cold snap returns. Shaina was off for a cleaning at 9 and got stuck on the driveway on way home. Sheldon was just out plugging in skid steer so tugged her out and she crawled back into bed with a headache. A client stopped for the kids table set and soon another for an item Kaylin sold. I spent the morning finishing my GST.
Sheldon ran to town taking the trash and doing some errands including another tire repair. Today Amanda and Craig get possession of their new house although they are postponing any big move until the weather straightens out. They are saying could be -50 with wind chill ;-(

Later in the afternoon Sheldon plowed the road and took some small squares out to the horses to tide them over the cold spell. I buffed all my stainless steel with oil as seen on pinterest, have you ever tried? It makes them shine but is a bit of work depending on the amount of prints.
After getting home from school, Britt was kind enough to go put blankets on Julio and Scooter. The high of -15 had a real chill but sure looked nice and sunny. Britt had requested stir fry so that was what i made for supper. She was then off to a hockey game braving the cold. Shaina got up to join us to eat the the 3 of us watched Thor: The Dark World and 12 Years a Slave. It was - 25 when we headed to bed around 12:30.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

1038 - cross iron shopping & visit with Lori

Day 1038 was cool -16 morning, thank goodness for hot beverages and cozy beds. Once up and moving we got ready to head to Cross Iron mall to meet my good friend Lori and do some shopping. I did some touch ups to the kids table and chairs quick. Shaina was up and getting ready too so we dropped her off at work at 10:30, a whole half hour before her shit started much to her dismay.

The wind was crazy on the drive even though only -6. At the mall I managed to find find 4 swimsuits while Sheldon perused the sports store. He and I met for lunch in the food court finishing just as Lori arrived. A quick visit and Sheldon was back off shopping for shorts and shoes for the trip then ended up napping on a chair. A security guard was kind enough to check he was ok, perhaps the drool was a worry :-)
 I loved this art piece, homage to our white horses
 swim suit success
Lori and I enjoyed teas at Tims catching up for a couple hours. After it was time to check out a few more stores then off to Costco (where I scored 3 more suits). The drive home was not as pleasant as the wind now was drifting snow and crating icy highways. We stopped in Strathmore to get gas and a hot tea then home to the ranch to unload our days goodies.
this is a HUGE bottle of rum as others in back are 40 oz

The girls pulled in soon after us having spent last few hours working out at the gym. I made cream chicken, quinoa and sautéed cabbage for our family supper. These are always entertaining with all the banter of the day. Hockey and candy crush entertained Sheldon after supper while I worked on the blog having yesterdays all disappear having to be rewritten. Britt was busy doing something while Shaina and Gail tried to watch some Netflix but it seems the wind is causing internet issues. After the hockey game, Sheldon and I managed to watch 1 more Breaking Bad but I was nodding off so could not make the final!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

1037 - chalkboard projects finished

Day 1037 we had a reprieve in the super cold snapping getting up to -1 but not for long they say, this w/e is to be back down to -27. Bright sunshine was awesome to go along with it. I was up enjoying a coffee taking one to the Prince who finally awoke after over 12 hours of sleep. We enjoyed the coffe while watching an episode of Breaking bad before getting on with our day.

I painted another coat of chalkboard paint on the table and glass and once dry staged them and posted
here is the glass chalkboard top in place
and the cute kids table. It was not long after posting for sale that it was spoken for, this solid set will give years of service and fun

Shaina was up late but managed to head out and brush Miss KD before putting her blanket back on then get ready for work. I took out more minerals which all were very eager to eat. The day was gorgeous for temperature and sunshine. Sheldon after a morning of trying to get his new phone to work went out to push snow off the road while soft before coming in to relax on the couch and play Candy Crush.

I was back out putting danish oil on the now dry clean teak serving tray and stand. I think it turned out really nice and sure will come in handy this summer on the deck.

Shaina headed to town for work for 4-11, she missed the most yummy supper yet again. Tonight for supper, I cooked up wild shrimp with mango salsa (Ok so maybe Costco did but highly recommend it), seasoned bison liver tidbits, kale chips and fresh salad with my scrumptious homemade dressing.
Britt worked after school and got home just after 8:30 to enjoy some late supper as Sheldon and I watched two more episodes of Breaking Bad. (only 2 left to go in the whole series)
here is the chair I picked up yesterday in town

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

1036 - chalkboard day

Day 1036 awoke to another bright and sun shiny day but cold -19 however as I drove to town my car said -23. To start my day, since we have so many oranges still from the church order I made fresh orange juice.
I spent time trying to decide what chairs went with the kids table and what colors with Amanda's help. Eventually I decided to just sand the top and do chalkboard to start. So after a good sanding I put the first coat on it as well aas the glass for the octagonal coffee table and another coat on two blackboards that Ralph had covered in foot prints.
choices of chairs and table combos
chalk paint first coat
I grabbed a quick bite to eat and was off to town before 12. In town I had my acupuncture treatment, picked up a chair, ran to the bank, had a quick tan then a nice hour visit at my "old" work. I arrived back at the ranch at 2:30 a Jenna was heading home after she and Shaina got up and took the dogs to the dog park and Sheldon pulled in right after! He even had drove to Market Mall after landing to get his phone replaced.

We had a cold beer in the sunshine before he ran out to plug in the skidsteer. The ponies were happy to see and hear him start it later as he took them out a bale. Fat camp still is in session at the Kuhn ranch. Shaina had a quick visit as she rushed out the door to a work shift she thought she had off just after 4. I put a 2nd coat on the table and glass.
Britt came home from school then went back to work 5:30-7:30, brought me home a tea as Sheldon and I were watching an episode of Breaking Bad (last of the season are now on Netflix) then ran back after 9 when Shaina got off work so they both could work out. Bean pole B is hoping to gain some mass and improve her cardio, Shaina seems to be going for all round sculpted and fit. Good on you girls.

Sheldon was home early today as he worked on night shift last night so after the BB episode was over he was lights out by 9 while I read.

Monday, February 24, 2014

1035 - holy cold!!

Day 1035 I had a 6:30 wake up call from a big black dog. When I let him back in about 20 minutes later Ralph went out but as I glanced at the gauge I saw it was -27!!! eee gads so back out to find him searching all doors but only finding Mr J. Eventually both quickly scurried to the garage door and into warmth and me back to my warm bed!

The morning was spent making more plans for Bahamas as well as doing dreaded GST! Shaina was up and out the door at 10 for to work.

The clients stopped to pickup there treasures getting ready to move into there new house. They also were interested in a custom coffee table but will wait until actually moved in as well as the chippy white chair that is on hold.

I staged a few pictures of the completed ornate peacock candles holder and posted as an auction.

lady stopped out to buy a side table that was MDF and not work painting in the long run

I cooked up a delicious roast beef, mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli for supper. Shaina was back home in time for supper. The highest today got was -15 but it was deceptively sunny thank goodness. Britt ran to the gym to work out, such determination for the girl who still cannot walk normal. Jenna came out for a sleepover with Shaina. I spent the evening repairing and scrubbing kids chairs and a table before retiring to bed to read.
 always amazing how filthy things are when sold but elbow grease seems to be the ticket
these are the current projects

Sunday, February 23, 2014

1034 - CND men win gold in hockey

Day 1034 I thought I was asleep early just after 11 but Diego and Shaina had other ideas. He wanted out before 1 then again at 2, my tooth woke me at 5 and Shaina arrived home after socializing and watching part of the hockey game at 6 am. Needless to say 7:30 was time for a coffee and shower. I may as well have watched Canada win gold in mens hockey!

I staged a few more photos after a brain wave while not sleeping to use the chicken wire frames for sunglasses! Britt ran to do dog chores at Stouts just before a customer picked up her new red coffee table.

this is our gate.. bit hard to get horses out to start conditioning when the gate is under 5 feet of snow
Britt did do some cleaning in her room and sorted hair & beauty products in her bath room purging a big bag. Today's biggest project for me was to create a chippy paint chair; this required a full paint then sanding most of it back off then hand waxing the first coat which is a time eater with spindles but the wax keeps it in character to the paint and finish  of this chair.

finished and staged
pretty orchid, my daily hope for spring

Sharon stopped to pickup Chanel late afternoon. Shaina spent most of the day sleeping but left for work soon after for her 4 pm shift as Britt and I were trying to get her car out. Darren popped over to help give it a quick tug after I found the tow strap was in the truck at the airport, THANKS Darren!
I waxed a growth ruler clear and dark for a client. as well as paint a 2nd coat and wax the candle holder in both clear and dark. Britt and I both cooked supper before she was off to watch TV and I updated the blog. The chippy chair had interest right away but the gal is in Grande Prairie, I will look into grey hounding it part way to her daughters
Sheldon sent a few pictures of wolves he saw at work
 and caribou but it was a movie.. so picture in your head
time to go read some more of my book

Saturday, February 22, 2014

1033 - peacock project day

Day 1033... last night ended with symptoms of dry socket in my extraction but with a combination of drugs and home remedies I managed to get sleep. I am hoping the next few days go better. The clinic Britt was to head out for this w/e was cancelled as the weather at the location was already -22 and to drop to -28! She crawled back into bed after her brief appearance at 9:30. It is only -13 here right now.
forgot this cute picture from Kaylin's visit yesterday

The barn board rack client ( a good repeat customer) stopped around 10 to pic it up, soon after soft light snow came along. Shaina made us scrambled eggs and Britt was off for her dog sitting job then they loaded up to go to the gym at noon. It was slippery and seems speed and ice can find you stuck!
they were back after 2 hours, one stiffer than the other :-) I had worked on many projects today. By now the snow had stopped and the sun was out for most of the day high -9! I dark waxed the peacock mirror, had it all back together when I decided the inside rim next to the mirror needed color so all back apart, painted, waxed and put back together.

I painted a salt and pepper set I got yesterday the peacock color 2 coats and waxed in light and dark and buffed for staging. Once posted it sold  in a few minutes.
waxed and ready to buff.. left is buffed and right not, big difference heh?

I also scrubbed with TSP and soap the teak tea tray

and put a coat of peacock on a candle holder

After cleaning bathrooms (again prepaid job) Britt was forced to tidy her room after spending so much time reading. Shaina got ready and was off to work for 5. I enjoyed a cold beer and watched some of Dexter (while folding laundry ;-) must multi task) before our internet hit high peak and watching Netflix becomes a huge pain! Time to cook a real supper, tonight it was chicken and rice!

Supper was so delicious!! Britt was stoved right up after her back to back workouts with trainer Shaina so I added some special ingredients to her tub water for her muscle soak. I also prepared one in my tub too!