Sunday, March 31, 2013

704 - Happy Easter Sunday!

Day 704 is Easter Sunday, Happy Easter blog friends and family followers. Sheldon Britt and I were up seeing the Schmitt's off on their road trip home at 6 am. Not long after Britt prepared for her only work day this w/e. Sheldon ran her in for her 8 am shift.
 the Easter bunny had great hiding places
 Mya shares her new Rosie LaLaLoopsy with her friend Coco
Dale was up early too checking on the bunnies egg hiding status. I put coffee on for the adults while Vance and Mya did their search. Dale kindly cooked bacon eggs and toast for breakfast. We visited in front of a fire again while the 2 kids ventured outside for a bit. When they finished up outside they loaded up and headed back to Oyen at 11:30.

I got busy vacuuming and Sheldon started on the deck; sweeping and hosing it all down. Travis stopped out soon after Dale's left. I went to make him a pot of coffee and quickly ran out to take his photo with Diesel. It seemed I did not put the coffee pot under the basket so needless to say there was coffee everywhere running down the cabinets and in the drawers. Time to clean them all out it seems :-(

Travis took the dogs for a nice walk as the sun was shining by now. Lunch was .. yes left over ham buns and salads. It was then rest time for Sheldon while Travis played games on his phone and I updated the blog. Travis headed back to town at 2. Sheldon woke just before 3 and ran to town to pick up Britt. I finished up the blog updates and washed coco who has many rinses when this weather starts.

Once home from town, Sheldon graded the ruts out of the road and yard where dry and Britt scrambled to her bed for a nap! This day seems very long for me so must be longer for her working since 8 but we have all had an action packed last 4 days that is for sure. A hot bath and relax in bed will feel very heavenly tonight!
But as it turned out it was a lazy relaxing eat leftovers and watch PVR Touch shows kind of evening :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

703 - game day and some shopping

Day 703 was another fun filled day of play. Mud and sunshine, games and beverages. I served pancakes and fruit for breakfast. The Paetz's came out for it and left for their next destination just before noon.

 Travis walked the many dogs... many dogs make for many mud prints and droppings :-)
 rousting game of horseopoly on the go
 and craig's list crusiers
 and snackers

 Julio loves mud as you may remember

 the ponies ford the river
 oh yes and we dyed Easter eggs of course
 lots of creativity
 look how much snow melted today

Mom and dad headed home at 3 as Debby, Stacie, Stephanie and Britt went to Calgary to the mall shopping. Sheldon, Travis, Dale, Chuck, Robby and I stayed home and played hearts. Mya and Vance stayed as well. It was a very entertaining game with many laughs.

The girls arrived home about 7:30 after Travis ran and met them to show Deb Amanda's house. Sheldon barbqued our famous sausage while I made the fixings and once all were home we ate yet another yummy meal. Kaylin and Aaron came out by 8:30 to visit and eat as well after she worked 11-7. Lots of eating drinking and laughing seems to be the main focus of family get togethers.. oh and MUD on this particular one.

Friday, March 29, 2013

702 - Good Friday

Day 702 we were up early or at least the adults were. We enjoyed coffee with Baileys of course while I prepared breakfast of bacon eggs toast and hash browns. The kids slowly ascended to join us enjoying a leisurely start to the day.
 Debby, Chuck and Steph headed to town to run errands while Britt and Robby checked the horses and quadded a bit. she returned in time to help Sheldon give  Diego a quick bath. Dad arrived soon after having dropped Mom off with Amanda to have her hair done.
The day was gorgeous and the snow began to rapidly melt causing lots of standing water. This was great fun for Vance once they arrived as she spent lots of time out playing in the mud. The afternoon was family fun filled visiting as everyone arrived.

 typical deb, camera and tablet close at hand :-)
 and Britt with her phone

  here is the water just running
 to the pit filling it about half full in one day

Kaylin was the last to arrive after working her shift 8-4. Once she arrived it was time to dig into the huge turkey/ham feast. The evening was spent with pool, games, visiting and many laughs. We did manage to even pull off 2 family shots. The only one missing was Shaina but she had a good excuse. The ticket home for supper was long and pricey. We all missed her terribly though. We could not even skype her as she was off at another polox tournament.
 supper time for 18, luckily I had a few spare chairs and table in the garage
 grand kids minus Shaina Lee :-(
 Vance getting tickled

 Lexi love

isn't the bouquet so pretty, thanks again, it really added color to the party

Thursday, March 28, 2013

701 - last day of work

Day 701 was a day in lieu of Good Friday off for Sheldon and it is Britt's last day before her Easter vacation but for me it is my last day of work before break up. As Britt waited for her ride she spied a coyote right out front of the house antagonizing poor Diego. Sheldon leaped out of bed at this news and shot off 2 bullets (missing both times) at the rascal. Good thing we are in the country.. a crazy dude in his skivvies shooting a loaded gun at an animal across the field is quite a sight! he quickly got back into bed and slept until I called home at 9:40!

Grady gave Britt a ride leaving me to drive right to work. I finished up all my work jobs and was out of the office at noon for probably a month. All dependent on the weather of course but I am good as I have a stack of furniture that needs to get finished.

I dropped used stamps and Campbell soup labels o  ff at the church before going to pick up the lovely bouquet of flowers Ma and Pa Kuhn had sent to us for Easter. They will be very pretty when they open. Thank you so much XOXOXO

A quick stop to grab last minute groceries for the Easter weekend and off home. Sheldon was grading the yard after he put out a bale for the horses. We had a quick lunch then began tidying the house for guests. He swept the deck around the house as mud is now a common occurrence while I scrubbed all sinks and tubs, vacuumed and mopped. Did I mention I can't wait for grass to lower the dirt accumulation??

Shaina's and the spare room needed sheet changed which I forgot so they were washed and changed while Sheldon worked on humidifier maintenance. I also managed to get in 2 coats of wax on the accent table and another coat of poly on the stain tables too.
Debby, Chuck, Stephanie and Robby arrived at 9 pm after their grand Canadian tour so far. We enjoyed a nice visit around the fire till midnight then we all hit the sheets for some rest (and reading).

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

700 - accent table nearly done pine tables 1/3

Day 700 found a low lying fog over the pastures. It was much thicker heading to town to drop Britt at school but again burned off soon. The amount of snow we have now seems more than the winter and the chilly mornings and not so warm days make for what seems a crazy long winter.

At lunch I ran errands picking up Gaba as prescribed by acupuncturist, drop off mail, paid annual business registration, washed the car but for no good reason as it was splashed soon after in the melting sun, deposit at bank, fill car with gas ($90 UGH), get turkey ham and buns for Easter dinner, drop another t4 off at accountant and head home.

Back at home I unloaded chairs in storage trailer, the enclave just beetled over the semi frozen lake south of the house. I also put the1st layer of wax on the corner accent table and sanded the pine tables. After some time I buffed the wax and applied the glaze finish. I put a coat of condioner on the tables and soon after put on the dark stain.
 the accent table glazed
 stain goes on pine tables
 sit for a bit then wipe off
 to get this, now to decide on the bottom color.. I was going to do the blue of accent table and glaze darker but also considered white with glaze... hmmm opinions??

Britt walked from the gate again as the bus driver refuses to drive in after school claiming to soft of road..OK crazy driver. After a bit of flogging she got busy picking dog doo and was soon found plucking winter hair out of Pepper.

Sheldon had a big date night with his new work mates. The company gave him Flames ticket and park pass for tonight and the fellows went out to Fat Burger for supper prior too. Seems the new job already has many perks. They posted a Stampede party, golf tournament and the Christmas party at the Palliser already too.

Shaina sent me a link to pictures of her one crash.. check it out here, click the right button to sequence thru. Amazingly she only got grazed by the hoof in the near last photo. Miss Haydee did a good job of missing her in the rest.

I spent a few hours doing dreaded accounting, mostly for my incorporation. Seems I only have a few more days until my year end and these were journal corrections from last year end! Britt and I just grazed veggies for supper and she got busy cleaning her room, TV room and bathroom for the company arriving for Easter. She had cat litter and dishwasher on her list as well so kept quite busy :-)

I managed to create more work on the accent table hoping to wax early but only ruined the glaze. Luckily it was only one shelf so washed off and started again and will leave to really dry this time. Next plan in action was to put first coat of polycrylic on the tables.