Thursday, August 31, 2023

Rain!! & Britt and Dave move out officially

Harley wanted out after 4 am. It was blustery and lightening out. She decided it was a no go but I had to shoo her off deck to pee. The cats came too hoping asylum in the garage. Back in bed I was so happy to hear a big bang of thunder and rain around 6. And it lasted for a bit!! It was drizzly when I woke at 8:30 to chat with Shaina. S checked and found we had 3/10ths!!

I got to work sanding the table top. Wood filling the bits needed and trying to recreate the missing toe caps. 

Sharon was out at 11 to tend to Timba. She brought us a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte!!! THANK YOU! We visited drinking it in the garage until Dave arrived. I went to help him with Beibs release. I also caught Timba to keep out of the dramatic reunion and intro to Z.

The sign had edges sanded I had wood filled yesterday. Then a coat of red paint brushed on. While it dried I cooked a Hello Fresh meal for lunch; dilled orzo & salmon. 

Another coat of red on the sign. I tried to steam out a few gouges on the table top. This was a bad idea causing finish issues. Time to hand scrape the finish off. Britt, Cooper and Gulliver arrived mid afternoon. Unloaded another load of treasures; mostly clothes. Leaving animals here, we jumped in Sadie and headed back to the "track house". Dave was packing stuff. They had most of the cargo trailer full. I jenga-ed the last of the stuff for storage. All the food, TV and large art was put in our car. Outside stuff and more storage in the other 2 trucks.  B vacuumed and scrubbed floors, D had cleaned out the fridge. After 7 we had it all loaded. They finished the last mopping and check as we set off. 

We met Sharon turning into the yard at 8. The 2 truck convoys arrived soon after us. I scrambled to get a goulash on the go. Sheldon cooked up steaks they wanted to cook. Mom arrived soon after too. We all ate, visited and relaxed after a stressful moving week for B&D. I whipped up a jello salad for tomorrow. In bed, we repeated the watch some Kaleidoscope, S falls asleep and I watch Pressure Cooker.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Blue moon evening

This am I worked on some new projects. My one and only market is coming up next weekend. I do not have many new items. Luckily I have lots still boxed from last market ;( I cleaned up a wall hanger and added wood filler to dinged corner. I had no luck searching for wood to use the new horse decoupage paper. I checked all my stashes. Then the oval coffee table was up. I removed the base & sanded the underside. I filled the lifting veneer with glue and clamped in place.

S and I went out and hammered in any nail in the 3 shelters. I also walked the entire paddocks with no luck finding what is cutting Timba. A wee bit of rain sprinkled down as Sharon arrived for her riding lesson then Timba care. Of course it was raining good in town she said.

Time to reorganize the pantry. I cleared a full shelf and basket space for Britt. It has been a busy few days with furniture offers. I have a complete dining table set from Whitney. Today 3 pieces from Grady. And a couple of unique free dressers on FB. I have declined refinishing 2 dining room sets including hutch and buffet, an antique dresser, an antique cabinet and a slatted bed frame. I also quoted an antique secretary desk pretty high as lots of work.

We ran to town. A few groceries, tractor parts, booze and an unsuccessful search for a shaker peg for my project. I stopped for more melaleuca cleaning projects at Amanda's. We had an hour visit catching up. I loaded the bedroom suite mirror dropped there and we headed home. Again a wee sprinkle came down but nothing more.

B arrived with her clothes as I was cooking our first Hello Fresh meal. It was a grilled corn shrimp salad. It was very tasty. After she got things unloaded she had leftover pizza and a cupcake. She fed Bird and was off to mountains to pack more at 7. We went for a hot tub. S had to keep shoulder out. Tonight is a rare blue moon. Meaning 2nd full moon in a month. Kaleidoscope episode was started but S soon asleep. I started a new show called Pressure Cooker.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Helping hands

S called to book his cortisone shot. Low and behold they have one tomorrow at 1:30. B was here soon after 9. I was feeding Har, soaking beet pulp and having my first coffee. She and I went riding before the heat comes. It was 13 when she got here and 20 when we were done our ride. 

Sharon was out to treat T when we got back. She fed Z too. B fed Bird and hosed & doctored a knee cut. She also unloaded more stuff she brought. I gave Harley a bath. B ate 2 pieces of lasagna then headed back to the mountains to keep packing.

After my lasagna I wrote a Hometalk post for the butcher block dining table. I got laundry on the go. S was out working on his tractor. He stopped to eat lasagna and catch the news. He then was back out pressure washing it. Inside too.. WTH?? Fireball and ranger got a wash too. It is 30 out!!

I made a smoothie and we enjoyed on the deck in the shade with a light breeze. Sharon arrived to take Timba to vet appointment. I helped her load and get her on her way. Jamie, Haylee and Olivia stopped for a visit. They also brought Renn the cutest baby gift. 

I threw prime ribs in the instant pot after they left. This pot is amazing. Sharon arrived back with Timba as they were pulling out. I created a potato salad from our fresh garden ones. It was so tasty. Corn on the cob was enjoyed too.

I worked on computer, S watched sports. Once the sun started to set we headed out for a hot tub. Then it was Netflix relaxing in bed.

Just after coffee Tuesday, I saw our Hello Fresh order dropped at gate. Britt picked up on her way thru. She skipped riding today with plans to get the rest of the packing done. She has booked a storage unit to load Monday. I got my steps in taking all her plants downstairs from the door where she loaded in. I call her botanical B!! And she forgot a couple. I took some stuff out of my cargo trailer to make more room to load B stuff.

We headed to the city at 11:30. Passing thru town we grabbed a spicy dill burger. We also stopped to pay the autobody guy cash. I had loaded the play pen and high chair Mom had for Renn yesterday. They were unloaded at Kaylin's. I assembled playpen again while S left for his cortisone shot. Kaylin went to sweep up the busted table glass on their patio. The table glass shattered yesterday with no apparent reason other then heat. Renn tried her new chair and playpen out.

Isn't she the cutest?

I rode in back with her to chiro. She was quiet all the way to SAIT which was the longest car ride stretch so far. A detour in construction zones had her worked up. Her chiro appt was a bit vocal. However after being fed she slept the whole way home while I drove and K sat back with her. S was relaxing on the couch. We visited for a bit. S and I cleaned up the remaining glass stuck in the floor board cracks. Then we set off for Strathmore. The 31 degrees had us stopping at Tims for an iced coffee for the trip.

We arrived at Sagewood where I helped Dad with his supper. Then in his room I gave him a hand and foot massage. We left him napping in the TV room. On route home we grabbed pizzas S had ordered for supper. Totally forgot we had Hello Fresh, oopps.

We had a visit as Sharon was finishing up her Timba care just before 8. Britt and Dave drove in as she was heading out. We unloaded his truck box and he ran to town to horse feed. B and I then unloaded her car. I watered the planters including hers and the garden. She fed Bird. When Dave returned he hooked up cargo trailer. We unloaded the remaining market items so they had the whole trailer. Then they were off after 9. We watched some more Netflix starting a new show called Kalidescope.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Cole reunion

It is going to be a hot w/e like forecast. We took advantage of the sun and no wind to have a hot tub with our morning coffee. Sharon arrived to tend to Timba. S shocked the hot tub and cleaned filters. I made a pan of brownies to take along. The gal stopped to view the antique square dining table but found it was too small for her liking ;(

The VIP goody bag in better light and below the rust free bumper.

We were off after noon. Our first stop was to get a new eco filter for the hot tub. Then Renn snuggles. Kaylin also kindly sugared my legs!! 

We were then off to Glen and Roxie's for our long awaited catchup. The weather was amazing. The BBQ ribs, salads and appetizers were delicious. The visiting was full of laughs, memories and updates. THANKS guys!! We shut it down after 2 am.

Sheldon trying the pocket rocket Glen bought ... thinking full size :)

Sunday we were up and at it after 9. Sheldon tried on the Dobie mask Shae had made for Halloween a few years back. It was in her room we were staying in ;)

After a couple coffees and a good visit we headed to Kaylin's after 11. I snuggled Renn getting her to sleep. K ran products to her store. S helped Nathan move a mattress up to the spare room. Blue Jays entertained after a Focker's movie.

Back at the ranch by 2 Sharon was just getting her morning horse care done. S hit the couch to finish ball game and nap. I vacuumed the floor, couch and big brown. Plants inside and out were watered.

B and Coop were out at 4 bringing boxes of things to move into her room, bathroom and closets. It was a smoking 29 out so no riding but she fed Bird. I cooked us up a tasty supper with fresh dug potato's, zucchini and chicken. S woke from his nap to join us. B and C headed home at 7.

 Sharon & Darren were out at 8 to do night horse care. We visited outside for a bit then they were off. We had a hot tub soak. Then watched some Netflix. S fell asleep ASAP of course.

Friday, August 25, 2023

VIP Cirque Du Soliel

It was misty fog at 6 when I woke briefly but gone when woke for the day. Usual start then a few pictures of the cabinet. Typical; I did more touchups and a coat of wax on the basket shelves. S went on a gopher round. Master bathroom got a deep clean. Sharon stopped out before 11 to treat Timba. I helped her fill hay nets and she headed off. The darn wind picked up again.

I tried a new gel nail color. Harley was taken for a walk. The horses followed us to the far water trough. I started water to refill it. Apples were picked.  Sadly not many this year. Garden watered. The cabinet was picked up. S put machinery away in the shop.

Britt and Coop arrived after 4. She found Timba had a swollen eye when she went to catch Roo to ride. WTH. This horse has the worst luck. Sharon and Darren were alerted and will come take him to the vet here in town. We headed off to our Cirque Du Soleil evening. We arrived at 6, parked in VIP and began our evening, The VIP experience was amazing.

We started with a canned beverage, only $15 each :)

Inside the VIP tent there was all kinds of appetizers to choose from and delivered to the table, there was decor to take pictures with and circus folk. S found the drinks were all free.

The cold beverages went down well.

On our way to our seats which were center and 6 rows from the stage we were given popcorn too. To buy 2 pop, 2 popcorn and a candy it was $42 for common folk.

I took video clips for you, enjoy!

At intermission VIP had their own washrooms, were served ice cold water, iced coffee or drink as we came out. In the VIP tent there were delicious desserts and a coffee double baileys to take back to seat. 

As well we each got a goody bag; inside was a souvenir program and a blue tooth speaker.

It was a quick out from VIP parking. We swung by the auto guy on our route home. S picked up the truck with fresh painted bumper. We arrived back at the ranch before 11. What a great night.