Saturday, June 3, 2023

Baby Renn makes her debut

Saturday am started early with me checking in on K. She and Nathan were at the hospital at 6:45 am. Things are moving along albeit slowly. Then it was to send best wishes to the birthday girl Shaina! How can she be 29 today? Coffee and feeding H started the day. Then I got busy working on photos for the blog posts. A quick trip to town to get some groceries, fuel and lunch. Back at home we ate and drank our ice caps. The rest of the day seemed to go very slowly.

Kaylin messaged at 8 things were still going slow but if I wanted I could one in. She would let me know more after she was checked. About half hour later Nathan text she was 8-9 c . I jumped in the car and off to the city. I parked and raced up to labor and delivery floor. I missed Renn’s birth by 10 minutes. She was so beautiful. Such a little peanut too. My guess was she was 5 -12. Once she was weighed I was very close. 1oz away. Renn Olivia weighed in at 5-11 and 18.9 “ long. June 3rd 9:30 pm.

Shaina arrived to say hello to her twin. She was then off to continue her birthday evening.

The little one and her Mom were moved to the postpartum unit. This is where they will stay for 36 + hours. Kaylin is a natural Mom. Nathan headed home for some sleep later in the evening. I left after 3 am to catch a few hours at their house. What a super exciting day!!

This little girl is soooo loved. Welcome sweet baby Renn xoxo

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