Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year’s Eve

Sunday morning coffee with Mom again. Nathan had been up with Renn then back to bed. Dave got up later then planned along with Britt and S. After coffees Dave was off to the races…. Literally. Tonight he has some big stakes money races on the line.

We (Mom, S, TJ and I) headed to the legion at 10 to pack up the display. It did not take long at all with Dale, Stacie and Amanda helping us. It was all dropped back at the farm. Dale ran and picked up Shaina and Matt. Mom opened all the sympathy cards as we visited. The girls chose some shirts of Grandy’s, listed their belt buckles choices and visiting continued. Renn got to take her buckle home.

The Calgary crew all loaded up and headed west. Shaina and Matt are planning to host a get together. The others are low key. We helped Mom with some clock issues and I took buckle and flower photos for her. Food was packed up along with a bouquet for us and Kaylin, a plant for shaina. Paetz’s arrived with more visiting before we all hit the road west at 3.

While cleaning Mom had found this t-shirt from years ago and Renn's Xmas hand print ornament alongside.

I read my book on the way home finishing just as it started to get dark when we filled with fuel in Drumheller. We grabbed A&W as we were both starving. S had his share of sandwiches today but me only a bit of sausage. Time to get back to normal meals in the new year. The library book was dropped off on our way thru town.

Britt and Cooper were at the ranch when we arrived after 6. She had fallen asleep this afternoon after getting home. I fed starving Harley while S brought in stuff. B headed off. The Flames were playing so S was on the couch watching while I caught up on computer work. We had a hot tub at an intermission then both back to our viewing tasks. We watched the 8 pm fireworks from the deck door. It lasted over 15 minutes!! After Flames won, we moved to the bed where I continued my blogging and S fell fast asleep by 10. I started the new season of Dubai Bling. Way too much money in that country.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Celebrating Dad

Again I was up early to join Mom for coffee. More photos tweaked and tested. We all got dressed, hair curled and ready to go. Kaylin, Nathan and Renn arrived after 11 to feed her quick. Britt, Shaina and Matt were behind them as was Dave coming from Edmonton. All changed and headed in to the legion. TJ and I tested the system again. Last minute additions of belts, boots, spurs and flowers. There were many friends already there and the legion filled requiring more chairs added.

The celebration service (this RED link is the live video of the celebration) for Dad was perfect. Randy was a great emcee. He and Ray read the obituary adding their own humorous stories. The girls read a lovely poem as well as Travis’s 4-H speech which touched many. The slideshow had a glitch losing all connections after I  closed it earlier but we got it up and running and only a few photos went blue toned. Whew!

Shawna Brunner took this of the girls to show her 97 year old Dad who the girls loved to visit he and his wife Dorothy who lived next door when we lived in Hanna

The luncheon was lovely followed by visiting after. This had us reconnecting with so many people we all had not seen in years. It was really nice to see such a big turnout to honor Dad. Many said how much they enjoyed the display and photos. Kaylin and N took Renn for a drive. Britt, Dave, Matt and  Shaina headed to the farm with the leftover food. They all started a card game. We stayed till Mom was at the last table of friends. Amanda and I took Dad home. Craig and Sheldon stopped for C to change and pickup Aislyn. Uncle Ron arrived at the farm next. Travis brought Mom out soon after. Dale’s arrived after they changed too. It was a very family oriented evening of games and visiting. A celebration of an amazing memorable Dad, Grandy, husband, brother and friend to many.

Dale and Stacie hosted Uncle Ron again as well as Shaina and Matt. S & M stayed till the end of the evening catching a ride to Dale’s with TJ. Another late night did have S and I reading a bit before lights out again.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Setting up Dad's celebration service

 It is the last Friday of 2023. I was up early to feed Harley and have coffee with Mom. We got back to our photos and program tasks. Kaylin sent these pictures of Renn in the Minnie Mouse outfit we gave her. XOXO

After more hamburger soup for lunch Mom ran into town for errands and stopped at the funeral home to help the gal in person do the program. Mom's Hutterite friend dropped off buns, sausage and some hootch. Travis, Sheldon and I loaded Dad's trophy saddles and boxes of stuff to display and met Mom at the legion around 3:30. Here is the funeral home link to the obituary.

Dad's trophy saddles

Some of his belt buckles all polished up, thanks Dale.

closeups of each trophy saddle with and without bronc chaps

These chaps are shotgun chaps. His chinks are in the horse trailer Mom says.

Another pair of bronc chaps, the bull riding ones are MIA

His bareback rigging and saddle bronc saddle

His hand crafted urn

Flight log book, a McCormick Farmall tractor representing the one that Mom tipped over the day they met, a couple cowboy poems, his Lions life membership certificate & pins and Buffalo rodeo appreciation certificate.

The log book started Nov 4, 1975 training with instructor 31.1 hours attaining his license Feb 17, 1976. He tallied 370 hours on his own flying to lots of Alberta & Saskatchewan spots, Manitoba, Great Falls Montana. Last log was Aug 15, 1990 totalling over 400 hours flown.

Center table progress and changes, his book went to guest book table at entry

We finished setting up, testing our slideshow and helping the funeral gal after 6. It looked quite nice. Back at the house we (Mom, Travis, S and I) had the Hutterite buns/sausage for super. Dale and Vance joined us. We spent the evening reminiscing, visiting and enjoying a few rums in Dad’s honor. S and I read our books for a bit.

Dog trainer Travis, he has kept Clover for the week Paetz’s are staying in Oyen.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Off to Oyen again

Sheldon is the guest blogger today, thank you, here is his blog post for today...

Woke at 8:48. Coffee on by 9, dogs fed.  Coffee in bed until 9:30.  LA working on picture presentation.  Looking through photo albums for years 2011, 2012 with multiple years left to go through.

Sheldon walked to the gate to open the winter pasture again.  Plus 7 and snow almost completely gone.  Horses should be able to do some grazing again for a few days while we are away.  Sheldon also walked Har and Coop while completing the task.

Sheldon gave Harley a bath.  All ready to go out to Oyen with us.

LA and Sheldon packed clothes for the stay out in Oyen.

Warmed Oyster soup for lunch.  Sheldon broke the microwave dish while washing in the sink :-(  Soup was yummy as usual.

LA also working on and completing a final 2023 tutorial for the white coffee table for Dixie Belle.

Sheldon completed the weekly treatment of the Hot Tub.  Also fed the cats with enough for the time we are away.  

This is where he ended. 

We loaded up Harley, the items to go and headed off finally by 2. There were stops in town for fuel, iced coffees for the road trip and drop off return parcels. Finally we got on the road heading east at 2:45. We arrived at Mom’s after 5. We had hamburger soup that was dropped off by Dianne B, yummy. 

Mom and I spent the evening working on Dad’s obituary and program I also worked on the slideshow. I had to load all the photos I had and more onto her laptop to create the actual slideshow. Travis helped by burning a music CD for it too. Sheldon relaxed watching sports. Finally after 1 Mom and I shut it down. I did have to read for a bit before going to sleep.

July 21, 1949 Medicine Hat parade


June 16 1990