Thursday, June 18, 2020

Heart breaking day

The day started out sunny with the usual coffee. S mentioned all the horses were resting but one on guard. We got Lola medicated, walked and set up on the deck. I got busy trying to catch up on the last few days of the blog and photos from our anniversary party. S caught up on internet, he did check the gauge and we had another 1/10 last night. We have an appointment at 2 to see a new potential rental property.

I jumped in the shower before noon while S was making tuna sandwiches when I noticed Daisy was still laying down but now rolling. I hustled out to see what was up. I found her in distress and what looked like colic. I text S to bring me a halter and coat, called Britt then the local vet to come ASAP. S came with the halter and coat after phone call. I had her up and walking without it but she was now she was back down. We coaxed her up and I walked her to the barn paddock. She did ok till there then kept wanting to laydown. She was in pain for sure. Dr. Brittany Smith arrived shortly, gave her a sedative and performed a rectal exam. Daisy was dehydrated, low heart rate and no gut sounds on back left. She also found a possible mass/twist/blockage and felt it was not a good prognosis. I had our Brittany speak to Dr B on the phone then called Shaina who got a chance to talk to Daisy before we made the hard choice to let her go. It was absolutely heartbreaking.

Daisy is the sweetest girl with the biggest heart. She wasn't very big but she always gave her whole heart when asked to try something; 4-H, polocrosse, gymkhana, trail riding etc. She was kind, quiet and accepting of anyone who rode her even if they were just learning. She was a patient teacher. She gave us 14 of the best years her 22. So many memories with this girl. She and Hawk were a huge part of our herd.

Daisy loved mud :)

Image may contain: 1 person, cloud, sky, horse, outdoor and nature

My world felt like it hit a blender. This has been such a week of highs and lows. It did not seem possible to go out to see her and within an hour have her gone. It did not seem possible to lose 2 in one week. It was uber sad to think if we took photos Tuesday she would have been in them. 

I got a bucket of warm soapy water, brushed her mane and tail and washed it up to collect a braid. All well loved horses go to heaven missing tail and mane hair ;)

Britt left work right away, She and Cooper arrived with iced coffees (thank you B). She and I brought the other horses over to say goodbye while Sheldon took down a section of the rails. He had dug a spot at the cemetery between Hawk and Bandit. A fine spot.

B and I scrubbed up Bird's cannon crud then caught KD and gave her a trim. The 4 horses were put together in the closest paddock for the night.

B ate her lunch for supper then she and Cooper headed home before 5:30. I prepped the first Chef's Plate meal: harissa chicken and chickpeas. It was surprisingly good compared to the looks of it. The meal though was pretty somber like the day. S took a few jugs of weed spray out and did the laneway while sorted thru updating the horse records and photos.

Shaina's memoir of sweet Daisy
The spicy Arab in you always kept me on my toes as a young girl, but all those years with you made me a better rider. As you got older, you got more and more patient. We had another trusty steed to throw beginner friends and young cousins on. Thanks for teaching all my friends over the years & thanks for showing Jacob his love of riding as well. You left a mark on all our hearts and we will remember you forever, sweet girl."

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