Saturday, June 20, 2020

Family photos and early Father's day

I awoke before 7 but fell back asleep till right before 9. I scurried to give Lola pills and take for a quick pee before putting her on the deck. I jumped in the shower quick and S made coffee. We had one and took one to go for our rental property viewings in town at 10. We saw some potential in 2/3 of the places we saw. 

Britt invited us for a coffee after our viewings which was lovely, thanks B. Back at the ranch I had a shower after lunch and put my hair in curlers for tonight's photo shoot and work on tutorials. B arrived at 3 loaded with groceries then out to the horses.

Shaina just before 3:30 stopping to see Daisy as I was untangling the freshly washed horse halters. After his nap, S went out to spray around the pit with the tank of spray then try the new tractor attachment with the bucket. He took a few loads of the gravel down to put around the gate pillars.

Kaylin made it at 4:30 after her day at work. The early father's day celebration was underway. The threatening skies unloaded rain at 5 just as S was putting the burgers and smokies on. Poor guy had a drenching chore but he came thru with a grand plate of barbequed goodies. 

The rain let up around 6 leaving puddles galore. The gauge said 3 3/4/10ths in that short time. We thought the family photo night we had moved till tonight was going to be a bust so the girls all tried on my wedding dress.

During the last fitting I check my messages to see Krystalle; photographer was coming to give it a try. Everyone went in to high prep mode. Kaylin kindly recurled my now straight hair and applied some lashes XOXOX Thank you!!

Krystalle and her son arrived and got busy checking the light which was more difficult following the storm but she found places. S and I did some couple shots while the girls finished up getting ready. The girls joined us and we battled the mosquitoes to capture many good pics.

Kaylin was off to the city with some of her goodies after 10 to help her boyfriend move tomorrow. Krystalle and Jasper headed home at 11. B and Cooper soon after.

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