Monday, April 7, 2014

1078 - sale Monday & Diego turns 7

Day 1078 I was up early at 7, thinking about tidying house etc for my days roster. Britt was off to school late while Shaina ate breakfast and was off to work for 10. I had my first customer arrive just after 10 to look at the blue painted chair and decide on colors for other 3. She was off to town to pick the other 3 colors. I put soup bones on for homemade soup for supper.

the hibiscus I threw in garage to go dormant, guess what, it wanted to bloom!! how pretty.  and the colors she returned with, fun!
Soon another gal stopped for a bag of comics and another to pickup the frame I recently finished. It was so nice out I was sweeping the deck when both arrived so able to hand deliver to their car doors while the birthday boy greeted them all.

Today Diego turns 7 years old. For a corso he is not elderly but with his shots he keeps quite youthful. For a 175 lb old man :-)
 here he is with his "birthday cake"
 our wee lake
Time to get to work in the shop doing more repairs and wood filling on the old round table and stereo. I needed to get some sunshine as it was another gorgeous plus 12 day so out to scoop dog poop it was. All the while more horse tack and dog bedding was being washed. A very good customer stopped out with her kids to pick up the folding table and 2 kids chairs.
I waxed the heavy end table and once dry buffed it up. Shaina helped me move it into the house after she was home from work. I cleaned the boot rack and swept the garage and decks again, seems that with the melting and dogs it will continue to be dirty right after I sweep but it feels good at the time. I did human laundry inside and outside in garage getting winter wear put away!! Also need it all to look shiny for the Prince's arrival tomorrow :-)

I forced Shaina to pack up her dishes which have graced the entry for a month from Amanda's move and we took them and the snorkel gear back to the storage trailer. I grabbed the 3 chairs I am consigned to paint while out there. She then rode Baby and fed the 2 chubby horses before heading back inside. Matt dropped off a side table he brought from AV for me to refinish.
Britt worked after school till 8:30 so Shaina and I had supper together. She later made kale chips for a snack. One of her new favorite snacks.


  1. I'll keep trying until I figure it out! But don't know what to choose below here so choose anonymous

  2. Love the little chairs! Hugs, your Mom

  3. So, if i click the line at bottom of email that says
    You are subscribed to email from Ranch House blog 3
    it takes me to this page.
    I scroll to bottom and click on comments, type one in, select anonymous, type skill testing word (which usually takes about three tries) and it says publishing. Hope this is working. Hugs, Mom
